Grub Solaris FreeBSD dual boot


I have solaris 10 installed on the first hard disk and freebsd installed on the second hard disk

I edited the /boot/grub/menu.lst from solaris to the following

title FreeBSD
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/loader

Now when I try to boot into freebsd via the grub, it gives the following error

root (hd1,0)
Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0xee
kernel /boot/loader
Error 17: cannot mount selected partition


Posted 2013-10-23T15:13:27.953

Reputation: 61




Modify the /rpool/boot/grub/grub.cfg file and add the following just under the Solaris 11 menuentry

menuentry "FreeBSD" {

set root=(hd1,gpt2)

kfreebsd /boot/loader



Posted 2013-10-23T15:13:27.953

Reputation: 61


Possible failure reasons and fixes:

You might be pointing at the wrong partition. Try opening the GRUB prompt, (press c in the boot menu) enter root (hd1, and press tab. See if there are any other partitions available.

The version of GRUB you're using may not support GPT. Partition type ee typically means a fake MBR partition table indicator, indicating a GPT partition table. Update to a newer version of GRUB or try one of the workarounds below which might incidentally work.

The file system you're using might not be supported by GRUB, or the version of GRUB you're using. In this case, copying the /boot/loader file onto your Solaris partition and loading it from there might be a solution:

title FreeBSD
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
# The Solaris partition and directory where you have copied loader
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/loader

You might have luck chainloading the MBR of the second disk. Try something along the lines of:

title FreeBSD
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader (hd1)+1


title FreeBSD
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader (hd1,0)+1

Note that you can try the last two suggestions in the GRUB console, again invoked by pressing c at the boot menu, to avoid having to edit menu.lst and reboot multiple times. You might want to know that tab completion works and pressing tab twice bring up a list of suggestions. When trying thee commands at the GRUB prompt, leave out the title line, and end with the boot command to attempt to boot.


Posted 2013-10-23T15:13:27.953

Reputation: 2 259

updating the grub version was the only way out. Thanks! – pallavt – 2013-10-24T10:43:45.510

Did you try the chainloader statements? What was the result? – nitro2k01 – 2013-10-24T13:45:03.313

none of the above worked, had to update to Solaris 11 to get the new version of grub. – pallavt – 2013-10-25T04:06:31.057