Windows DNS cache is NOT updating at all (other computers in home have updated)


I just spun up a new VPS, set it up with a fresh and clean LAMP stack and pointed my domain to it.

I waited a few hours and tried it and it was still my old website. For a laugh, I logged into my shared FTP that it was pointing to before and added some text to the index file to see if it would update, it did.

I went to another computer in the house, in this case a laptop, and went to the domain. It was updated to the VPS (I got the "It works!" screen). I then tried my phone, it too had already updated.

At this point, I did the following:

  • Cleared host file of Search and Destroy things (I had meant to do this earlier)
  • Ran CCleaner and got rid of all Firefox internet cache
  • Ran ipconfig /flushdns in console both under admin and regular user
  • Deleted all browser cache via in-application tool in Firefox
  • Refreshed page using ctrl + f5.
  • Disabled and re-enabled network adapter via sharing center.
  • Rebooted computer

I'm at a dead end. My computer has NEVER been this stubborn.

Can anyone help me out with getting it to update, seeing as other computers in the house already have?

EDIT I pinged domain and received:

Pinging expunged [expunged] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from expunged: bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=51
Reply from expunged: bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=51
Reply from expunged: bytes=32 time=51ms TTL=51
Reply from expunged: bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=51

Ping statistics for expunged:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 49ms, Maximum = 51ms, Average = 49ms

The IP it's saying it received is dead wrong. The IP should be: expunged


Posted 2013-10-19T04:21:47.097

Reputation: 207

Are all devices using the same DNS server? sometimes DNS servers outside the LAN can take 72 hours to update. – Ben Plont – 2013-10-19T04:41:07.420

Problem Solved

As Ben Plont commented, the troublesome computer was on OpenDNS. I took it off and removed the static IP I had set up (for which I have no idea) and then disabled/enabled adapter and it works.

Thanks, Ben! – jdersen – 2013-10-19T04:44:29.483

@Ramhound Just a question, I edited the answer. Is that how a good answer should look? – jdersen – 2013-10-19T06:11:34.900



As Ben Plont commented, the troublesome computer was on OpenDNS. I took it off and removed the static IP I had set up (for which I have no idea) and then disabled/enabled adapter and it works.

For anyone with the same problem, here is what I did with pictures:

(Windows 7)

Go to your start menu, and then to the control panel.

enter image description here

In the search area, type "network".

enter image description here

Click "Network and Sharing Center" and go to "Change Adapter Settings"

enter image description here

Right click the adapter you're using, for me, it's "Local Area Connection". Choose properties.

enter image description here

Left click the "IP Version 4" listing, and click "Properties".

enter image description here

Set both radio buttons to "Obtain automatically."

enter image description here

Fin. Hope this helps.


Posted 2013-10-19T04:21:47.097

Reputation: 207