Does computers on same LAN share their hosts file between each others?


Does computers on same LAN share their hosts file between each others? As I do not have access to the iPad host file, I was wondering if my iPad would try to resolve an address by asking other computer in the LAN network.

Nicolas Manzini

Posted 2013-10-18T19:51:23.470

Reputation: 255

2What makes you think it shares the host file? – Scott Chamberlain – 2013-10-18T19:53:34.433



The devices do not share a Hosts file. However, they have several other ways of finding other computers on the network based on their name:

  1. Talk to a DNS server on the LAN. Sometimes your router will do this for you, or you can set up your own DNS server.
  2. Use NetBIOS
  3. Use WINS

Scott Chamberlain

Posted 2013-10-18T19:51:23.470

Reputation: 28 923


  • Use Multicast DNS
  • < – Pavel Šimerda – 2013-10-19T22:58:17.297


    No, the file is local only, so it can be customized per host. Also, you device will not attempt IP/DNS lookups by asking other computers, unless your router was set to provide the other computers address as the DNS server for your network, and the computer runs DNS services.

    at the Data link Layer, yes, the device does "ask" other computers for instructions to locations (whats the IP for this mac? ) but that is only used to navigate your local network so the device can contact the internet through your gateway.

    Frank Thomas

    Posted 2013-10-18T19:51:23.470

    Reputation: 29 039


    Add something to your PC's Host file and check your iPad to see if you can still access that site.

    (You can)


    Posted 2013-10-18T19:51:23.470

    Reputation: 779

    This is an anecdotal comment at best, not really an answer. – Austin T French – 2013-10-18T20:12:36.147

    sure trying is the best but it didn't seemed to work so I asked. – Nicolas Manzini – 2013-10-19T07:44:38.830