Linux does not communicate to Windows subinterface


I set my NIC on Windows so that I have two interfaces:

  • one (the first one) has IP

  • the other one has IP

On a Linux machine I set an interface to On another Linux machine I set the interface to And tried to ping those machines. Here is the result. Linux to Linux is ok. Windows to Linux also is ok. But Linux to Windows does not work.

Can you help me on getting the communication between Linux and Windows? What should I do for this? I have to mention that those machines are connected through a switch.

If you need any details, ask me please!

Thanks in advance!


Posted 2013-10-17T16:44:52.227

Reputation: 113

Is the second interface bridged? – Colyn1337 – 2013-10-17T16:49:01.687

@Colyn1337 No. See my edited title again please! – artaxerxe – 2013-10-17T17:01:38.107

2Well, the obvious: did you check that the Windows Firewall is disabled, and no "security" software on the Win machine is intervening? And did you check that the interface is live? Also, try using something other than as Windows does this funky thing sometimes with the address ending in .1, sorta by assuming it's a gateway. – Debra – 2013-10-17T18:49:22.310

Could you post the windows routing and arp tables to help with troubleshooting please? – Deesbek – 2013-10-17T19:09:16.153

@Debra You can post it as answer for marking this problem as solved. It is a firewall problem. Thanks. – artaxerxe – 2013-10-18T05:37:25.360



Well, the obvious: did you check that the Windows Firewall is disabled, and no "security" software on the Win machine is intervening? And did you check that the interface is live?


Posted 2013-10-17T16:44:52.227

Reputation: 4 000