ubuntu 11.04 DNS issues


I'm experiencing some issues involving my Ubuntu Server.

So far, I can connect to machines on my local network, but the server itself doesn't have internet. And since the each machine is routed through the server, no machine has internet either.

I can ping my nameserver, and I can ping any local machine. I just can't connect to the internet.

My resolve.conf looks like this:


So I have a DNS, and all ethernet devices are connected. I've tried starting the network manager, restarting the machine, removing and adding the interfaces back to the /etc/network/interaces file, but nothing seems to work.

Any ideas? I'm pretty stuck right now.


My routing table looks like this:

Destination         Gateway          Genmask         Flags      MSS Window  irtt iface   U          0   0       0    eth0     U          0   0       0    eth0            UG         0   0       0    eth0

Not sure if that helps any.


Posted 2013-09-08T21:14:00.013

Reputation: 151

Can you ping external IPs? If you can access your name server, you are on the internet, it just sounds like you can't resolve addresses. Is your resolv.conf really like that? It should be on one line not two. – terdon – 2013-09-08T21:16:06.787

Nope, i can't ping any external IP's.

My ifconfig says that my machine has a local IP address of if that helps with anything – docaholic – 2013-09-08T21:18:12.870

Well, as I said, if your file is actually like what you've posted, there is a problem. The keyword and value need to be on the same line. – terdon – 2013-09-08T21:24:26.997

my mistake, the file appears as a single line.

I've also tried running dig +trace www.google.com but the only output is Recieved 17 bytes from in 0ms – docaholic – 2013-09-08T21:30:02.320

Can you ping That is your default gateway. If you can not reach that then you have found your problem. – Hennes – 2013-09-09T07:37:36.980

Hmm, turns out, i CAN'T ping my default gateway. Are there any solutions to that, or is that more of a IP issue? – docaholic – 2013-09-10T17:44:16.253

By IP, i mean ISP* – docaholic – 2013-09-11T07:46:06.150

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