How can I change the default website connection timeout in Chrome?



I want to change the default timeout in Chrome. In Firefox I can set the value of network.http.connection-timeout in about:config - but how can I do that in Chrome?


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 752

In case anyone comes here wondering how to simulate XHR connection errors while developing web apps, you can use device mode to do so. – Jannik Jochem – 10 years ago

Note that newer versions of Firefox no longer use that configuration. It also uses the system-level configuration which can be changed as mentioned in NOSUKE's answer. – ADTC – 7 years ago



You can't. Google has been ignoring requests to implement this feature for over six years, so I wouldn't hold your breath.


Posted 12 years ago


2WOW. That is why Chrome should not be the dominant Browser. Just because Google does not like something, they should not be able to prevent it. – Blackbam – 7 years ago

@Blackbam I can't and won't agree with you. If anything they are pushing vendors and everyone else to deliver better user experiences. There is no need to wait for a page to load above a certain threshold time. If the server can't handle the requests, it's better to kill active pending request, so the server doesn't die of overload. – Rumplin – 5 years ago

1@Rumplin A user should have the power to change it. You can not deliver pages which load like super long. But still you should be able to configure a tool to certain needs. – Blackbam – 5 years ago


It's hopeless. They just won't do anything about enabling users to change Chrome's timeout settings. But you could switch to any of four other Gecko-based browsers in common use that have no timeout problems. Or you could start using one of the Mozilla-based browsers.

andre garnet

Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 151

1Mozilla is Gecko based.... WebKit / Blink (Google's WebKit fork) is probably what you meant? – Gert van den Berg – 8 years ago

2I was tempted to mark this as "not an answer", but I realized that you are suggesting an alternative solution. I would suggest editing it and indicating that so others aren't tempted to downvote or flag it. – Moses – 12 years ago


I dealt with this issue by editing the registry. I think the registry affects not only IE but also Chrome in Windows 10. I tried extend time-out. then I can extend it and max time-out is about 7Hrs in my case.

Reference: Microsoft Support

Click Start or press Win-R to get Run box, type regedit, and then click OK.

Locate and then click the following key in the registry:


On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

Type KeepAliveTimeout, and then press Enter.

On the Edit menu, click Modify.

Type the appropriate time-out value (in milliseconds), and then click OK. For example, to set the time-out value to two minutes, type 120000.

Make another DWORD value ServerInfoTimeout and set it to the same value.

Restart machine.


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 41

As of today, this doesn't seem to work – Shayaan – 7 years ago