Can I install Nautilus on a Mac using Homebrew? (I see it's included in MacPorts but I'd rather not switch.)



As the title says, I would like to install Nautilus on a Mac which is currently using HomeBrew as its package manager.

nautilus doesn't appear in the HomeBrew repository. I could try compiling it from source but I don't know what I'd need to do or install for that to be successful.

Raygan Kelly

Posted 2013-08-16T14:13:16.037

Reputation: 23



If you don't mind a little bit of program duplication, Homebrew and MacPorts can coexist peacefully. Homebrew lives in /usr/local, while MacPorts lives in /opt/local (by default), so all you have to do to keep the brewed programs as the defaults on the command line is make sure /usr/local/bin comes before /opt/local/bin in your shell's $PATH variable. Yes, installing MacPorts will use some space, so compiling Nautilus from scratch would be a better option if you're being careful of every bit you write to your HD, but if you have enough extra space you can't go wrong with MacPorts. I actually prefer it over Homebrew for its excellent dependency calculations and its range of included programs, as you've already found. The documentation is quite good, something I found lacking when I tried Homebrew last year.

So, my advice would be to give MacPorts a try, and if it's too hard/confusing/troublesome you can always try the manual option. For that, you generally download the tarball, unzip it, enter the directory, run ./configure and look for errors, if none then run make and look for errors, if none run sudo make install and hopefully you've got yourself a brand-new working copy of Nautilus.


Posted 2013-08-16T14:13:16.037

Reputation: 4 968

The Nautilus portfile mentions a few patches that are needed as well as a couple of additional steps, so I wouldn't do this manually, but rather go with the MacPorts way.

– slhck – 2013-08-16T20:26:46.113

This seems like the way to go. I've seen some conflicting info about Homebrew and MacPorts coexisting and it's good to hear that it's possible. I'll give this a try tonight. – Raygan Kelly – 2013-08-16T20:35:39.603

I tried compiling it from scratch earlier and wasn't able to. I'm a little out of my depth there, but it seemed from the errors that it was expecting different (older) versions of things like autoconf than homebrew was installing. – Raygan Kelly – 2013-08-16T20:39:24.967


No need to install nautilus in macbook

navigate to folder from terminal

then type $open .


Posted 2013-08-16T14:13:16.037

Reputation: 95

The OP didn't state that opening a file manager from the command line is the reason he wanted to switch to Nautilus – Dmitry Pashkevich – 2018-08-31T15:46:26.200