Tag: homebrew

221 How can I remove outdated installed versions of Homebrew packages? 2015-09-20T18:42:37.377

119 How do you re-install a package with Homebrew (Mac)? 2011-08-18T20:29:54.647

86 How should I set the PATH variable on my Mac so the Hombrew-installed tools are found? 2011-08-17T19:36:41.363

86 How do I install ant on OS X Mavericks? 2013-06-20T18:28:51.283

77 How can Homebrew print a beer mug in Terminal? 2013-01-18T04:54:46.533

75 how can I uninstall using homebrew? 2011-04-20T01:28:28.040

74 Mac Homebrew and Wireshark 2010-05-29T13:46:37.960

74 Is it safe to install both Homebrew and Macports on the same machine? 2010-08-27T11:24:12.340

74 "FATAL: lock file "postmaster.pid" already exists" 2013-02-16T16:31:06.023

72 Where can I find a list of all formulas available for homebrew? 2012-02-15T13:18:33.497

66 How do I restart redis that I installed with brew? 2012-11-13T06:31:47.720

59 How to install Meld with Homebrew on Mac OSX? 2011-11-21T22:47:06.963

52 Can't install Brew formulae correctly (Permission denied in /usr/local/lib) 2011-03-08T15:06:03.367

51 brew upgrade broke Vim on OS X (dyld: Library not loaded) 2016-07-03T16:55:44.873

41 How to install software packages on a Mac? (MacPorts, Fink, anything better?) 2009-08-24T03:15:26.290

37 Homebrew vs Fink vs Macports? 2010-07-01T22:59:09.270

37 remove package installed by brew 2016-07-14T07:52:00.837

28 is there any equivalent/branch of Homebrew for Windows? 2011-06-01T08:29:04.800

28 Can I install Homebrew without sudo privileges? 2013-07-14T00:22:54.737

26 homebrew show all pinned formulas 2015-05-08T06:36:02.613

26 Error: mongodb: unknown version :mountain_lion 2019-09-02T18:17:48.283

25 Symlink error when installing MySQL via Homebrew 2012-06-11T19:40:22.423

21 PostgreSQL homebrew installation lacks config files 2012-06-28T10:28:08.103

20 No available formula for “pdfunite” in Homebrew? 2015-04-04T00:59:32.650

19 How to install matplotlib on OS X? 2011-02-03T10:27:08.987

19 How do I fix "Library not loaded: libssl.1.0.0.dylib" with PostgreSQL? 2012-02-19T18:31:52.610

18 Errors in Homebrew on OS X Lion 2012-06-10T21:36:50.870

18 brew install gettext, should i force link it? 2014-04-29T00:27:15.657

18 OS X Yosemite - Too many files open 2014-10-22T16:22:58.503

18 How to install libssl-dev ,libffi-dev on Mac os? 2016-06-15T04:05:29.703

18 How do I tell Homebrew to stop running brew update every time I want to install something? 2017-05-14T12:24:57.687

16 MySQL Preference Pane control for MySQL installed via Homebrew 2011-05-27T14:59:43.510

16 Installing Homebrew packages without linking 2013-03-09T23:45:59.727

16 Can't use homebrew installed git 2014-07-03T20:13:16.787

16 How to determine which brew package provides a given file? 2014-07-11T06:37:05.960

16 Cannot start mysql: InnoDB: Upgrade after a crash is not supported 2018-06-20T20:46:46.903

15 How can I install PHPmyadmin on Mac Lion using Homebrew 2013-04-04T16:45:57.990

15 Install GParted on a mac with Homebrew or Macports? 2013-07-19T00:38:03.983

15 Using git-gui on Mac with Homebrew 2013-10-10T17:48:19.390

15 pip not working on hombrew python 2.7 install 2015-05-17T09:29:39.343

14 How can I use the Homebrew Python version with Homebrew MacVim on Snow Leopard? 2012-06-24T17:12:01.577

14 How can I use the Homebrew Python with Homebrew MacVim on Mountain Lion? 2012-08-15T05:29:49.250

14 Warning: Unbrewed dylibs were found in /usr/local/lib 2013-10-09T15:19:20.483

14 How do I reinstall all packages installed with Homebrew? 2016-10-22T14:41:26.367

13 Enable multiple users to install software using homebrew 2011-05-14T00:59:29.560

13 How do I find out where brew links end up? 2015-02-06T17:20:30.697

13 brew install mysql@5.7 can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 2018-06-22T18:12:37.150

12 Brew installed, linked, but not found 2015-06-08T13:20:54.090

11 How to install PHP, Pear, PECL, and APC with Homebrew on Mac OS X? 2011-06-02T15:50:22.340

11 Homebrew won't link git 2012-03-06T22:21:23.117

11 Removing git from /usr/bin 2012-07-28T11:21:26.410

10 Homebrew keeps saying XCode is not installed 2011-11-03T19:41:22.317

10 Forcing Homebrew and Macports to coexist? 2012-01-28T21:08:39.087

10 $PATH is driving me nuts 2012-10-01T21:03:17.670

10 Homebrew installation of git won't take precedence over system version (in /usr/bin/) 2012-11-03T01:32:38.610

10 Homebrew doesn't install new apps in El Capitan 2015-07-15T11:24:19.757

9 Homebrew build with different arch? 2011-09-04T03:11:35.997

9 How to install htop on OS X using Homebrew? 2013-05-22T11:19:25.357

9 Homebrew packages in PKG_CONFIG_PATH 2013-07-24T20:14:05.207

9 launchd seems ignore StartCalendarInterval on Yosemite 2014-10-08T02:20:20.587

9 How do I use xdg-open from xdg-utils on Mac OSX? 2015-05-07T03:23:33.260

9 Is Homebrew ready for High Sierra? 2017-09-30T12:22:54.420

9 php@5.6: "cxx11" is not a recognized standard 2019-04-25T18:52:36.547

8 How do I alias a Homebrew installed Ruby 1.9 gem binary in /usr/local/bin? 2011-12-20T17:58:23.623

8 How can I install GNU Parallel alongside Moreutils? 2013-02-03T10:29:04.383

8 How to find out a file belongs to which package in Mac OS X? 2013-09-25T09:45:59.883

8 How to brew install a formula using local copy of source instead of the formula's url? 2014-01-08T17:43:08.573

8 Homebrew gives SSL error (SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL) on home network 2017-11-01T15:07:45.753

7 Homebrew doesn't find XCode 4.3 2012-02-16T17:14:04.483

7 Is it safe to run multiple brew install commands at the same time? 2012-05-25T09:47:51.893

7 brew install gcc /Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks 2014-07-26T00:32:38.513

7 How to get Fish shell and NVM both installed with Homebrew to work together? 2015-04-23T15:16:27.433

7 OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) Making Zsh Very Slow 2015-10-04T00:16:06.510

7 Change install location and prefix of homebrew packages 2015-10-14T00:10:25.537

7 Change compile flags for Homebrew 2017-11-30T07:53:52.493

7 OSX: gpg command error, dyld: Library not loaded: 2018-02-17T16:33:18.043

6 Can pkgsrc, Homebrew, Fink, and MacPorts peacefully coexist? 2010-09-09T15:36:44.597

6 brew link jpeg issues 2012-03-18T08:30:20.277

6 How do I change or edit Vim Homebrew recipe? 2012-12-29T01:36:02.690

6 Homebrew install problems: Permission denied - /Library/Caches/Homebrew/Formula/libksba.brewing 2013-02-12T23:40:57.900

6 Homebrew: Terminal Emoticons How? 2013-03-09T05:55:00.790

6 Why did NTFS-3G via Homebrew stop working? 2013-05-14T23:26:51.553

6 Can't start mongodb by launchctl on OS X Yosemite (10.10.2) 2015-02-26T15:14:33.927

6 Error installing Homebrew on macOS Sierra: The user "me" cannot be found 2016-10-30T04:43:52.150

6 chown: /usr/local: Operation not permitted 2017-11-02T00:46:10.143

5 The suggested way to handle pip(easy_install) with homebrew? 2012-02-12T02:18:29.440

5 Homebrew is "cowardly refusing" to install OpenCV 2012-02-17T12:21:29.163

5 How do you install libtorrent-rasterbar Python bindings with a brewed Python? 2013-02-11T13:26:50.927

5 Timeout with brew update 2013-09-01T00:48:04.147

5 Understanding homebrew 'no-sudo' philosophy and questioning FAQ 2013-10-06T14:29:01.317

5 install GNU m4 1.4 or later on OSX 2013-11-02T18:23:29.323

5 Homebrew does not completely uninstall nginx 2014-01-26T17:59:09.900

5 How can I browse through Homebrew's formulae according to popularity (# downloads all time)? 2014-07-01T00:42:07.583

5 Tesseract OCR : Unsupported image type 2014-07-02T08:45:05.173

5 How can I find all installable versions with brew? 2014-09-20T00:37:23.610

5 Can't import python module in .vimrc 2016-01-28T18:31:40.370

5 Trouble with readline library on mac 2019-01-29T12:06:18.073

4 Macports, Fink, Hombrew: Background Processes? 2010-01-31T11:19:06.697

4 Installing and running couchdb on Mac OS X 2011-05-28T20:25:35.197