Make curl work on ssh connection


On my windows xp machine, I can connect to a remote host via putty and psftp. However I fail to establish a connection with curl. When I enter

curl -v --key priv_key.ppk --pubkey s

I get

* SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
* Using ssh public key file
* Using ssh private key file priv_key.ppk
* SSH public key authentication failed: Unable to open public key file

I did use the export feature of puttygen to generate a curl comliant private key file, but I do not know how to provide a working public key file. Any hints?

Karsten W.

Posted 2013-07-25T22:35:38.223

Reputation: 101

Open your private key with putty key gen. The public key is displayed in the dialog box. You can select the displayed key, and copy/paste it into a text file. – Zoredache – 2013-07-25T22:42:40.960

Thanks, I did copy this into the authorized_keys file on the server and also into a local copy of the pubkey file that is passed to curl as an argument. I still get the same error message... – Karsten W. – 2013-07-25T22:58:15.037

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