Pylint on Windows XP and Cygwin


Having recently upgraded my Python installation from 2.4 to 2.7 (ActiveState), I can no longer get pylint to work in either Cygwin:

$ pylint C:\Python27\Python.exe: can't open file '/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/james.bradbury/Application Data/Python/Scripts/pylint': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

...nor Windows command line:

C:\Documents and Settings\james.bradbury>C:\Progra~1\Python24\Scripts\pylint.bat The system cannot find the path specified.

I can't find a way to remove the outdated Python24 link as I don't know where it is. I also can't work out where to change the path in Cygwin to have the escaped-spaces: "Documents\ and\ Settings" etc.

James Bradbury

Posted 2013-07-25T13:46:38.857

Reputation: 131

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