Are there any decent vocal time / date / appointment announcers for Fedora Linux?


I'm looking for a Fedora / Linux application which announces the system time vocally at regular intervals, similar to the time announcement feature Mac OSX has. A quick look around Google hasn't revealed much.

Evolution calendar appointment integration, GNOME integration and other helpful organisational features are highly desirable, but not essential. The application should automatically announce time vocally, at a bare minimum, however.

Cheers for any suggestions.

James Paul Turner

Posted 2013-07-22T11:42:30.293

Reputation: 348

Question was closed 2016-01-13T05:42:14.133



ESpeak doesn't give you what you need ?? I used it few years ago to announce alarmes for specific systems on a hypervision room ... It was very helpfull. You can customize the accent, the voice and other stuffs.

ESpeak Project


Posted 2013-07-22T11:42:30.293

Reputation: 31

Seems to be just a speech synthesis engine library and executable. Do any time and calendar announcing plugins exist? – James Paul Turner – 2013-07-23T00:44:25.753


You can exploit Google translate, even in you own language.

google-say -ru 16:43
google-say "Splendid supa-ninja, let's do it\!"
google-say -ru "Супер юзер дот ком"
man bash | grep -m1 GNU | google-say

google-say-ru () { google-say-generic -ru $@; }
google-say () { google-say-generic $@; } 
google-say-generic () {
    local WORDS service _lang;
    if [ "$1" == "-ru" ]; then
    if [ -f "$1" ]; then
        cat "$1" | while read l; do
            google-say-generic "-${_lang}" "$l";
        return 0;
        if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
            WORDS="`cat | tr ' ' +`";
            WORDS="`echo $@ |tr ' ' +`";
    echo $WORDS | tr '+' ' ';
    wget -q -U Mozilla -O- "$service" | mpg321 --quiet -

Another option is Festival Speech Synthesis System

Ярослав Рахматуллин

Posted 2013-07-22T11:42:30.293

Reputation: 9 076

These suggestions consist of only speech synthesis libraries and executables. It seems I'd still have to write code to interface them with gnome-clock and/or Evolution calendar libs to get the kind of functionality I need. Again, I need a (preferably already written) applet which feeds appointment and time information from GNOME clock and / or Evolution calendar output streams into a speech synthesis lib which, in turn, vocally announces time and appointments at regular intervals. – James Paul Turner – 2013-07-23T00:39:29.923

I kinda figured. Sorry if the answer is not useful to you. – Ярослав Рахматуллин – 2013-07-23T00:42:46.967


on this link setting-up-a-talking-clock-easily-in-linux are some examples to do this.

Pavel Stárek

Posted 2013-07-22T11:42:30.293

Reputation: 126