Test if a port on a remote system is reachable (without telnet)



In the old days, we used telnet to see if a port on a remote host was open: telnet hostname port would attempt to connect to any port on any host and give you access to the raw TCP stream.

These days, the systems I work on do not have telnet installed (for security reasons), and all outbound connections to all hosts are blocked by default. Over time, it's easy to lose track of which ports are open to which hosts.

Is there another way to test if a port on a remote system is open – using a Linux system with a limited number of packages installed, and telnet is not available?

Steve HHH

Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 5 590

Related: check status of one port on remote host at SO

– kenorb – 9 years ago

I was having this same issue. The answer by @Subhranath Chunder below helped. However, I then found out that installing Telnet was a small matter of running brew install telnet. So I expect Linux users can do the same with yum and apt-get. – Mig82 – 5 years ago



Bash has been able to access TCP and UDP ports for a while. From the man page:

    If host is a valid hostname or Internet address, and port is an integer port number
    or service name, bash attempts to open a TCP connection to the corresponding socket.
    If host is a valid hostname or Internet address, and port is an integer port number
    or service name, bash attempts to open a UDP connection to the corresponding socket.

So you could use something like this:

xenon-lornix:~> cat < /dev/tcp/
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.2p2 Debian-6
^C pressed here

Taa Daa!


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 9 633

This also seems to work in MinGW. For instance, a remote VNC server on responds with "RFB 003.008" by using "cat < /dev/tcp/".

– Peter Mortensen – 10 years ago

However on ports that were not open it timed out after 22 seconds (tried on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) for a remote server). Interestingly, the timeout period is much shorter than the one for nc (see thnee's answer).

– Peter Mortensen – 10 years ago

// , Ohhh, this is one of those days I love this site. Here's the part of the bash manual for this answer: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Redirections

– Nathan Basanese – 9 years ago

@lornix, can you please tell me, why nc works on my box, but your solution not working: cat</dev/tcp/10.0.xx.xx/1433cat::Connectionresetbypeer nc -zv -w5 10.0.xx.xx 1433 Connection to 10.0.xx.xx 1433 port [tcp/ms-sql-s] succeeded! – Alexandr – 9 years ago

@Alexandr, perhaps you're connecting in a different way. Your nc command includes the -z flag, indicating 'zero-I/O-mode'. cat may be connecting and requesting some sort of I/O, whereas the nc (with -z) usage just strokes the port to see if it's alive. – lornix – 9 years ago

1@lornix, ok, but in this case I have to get the same result with use nc without -z option, but it still does not work: # nc -v -w5 18080 Connection to 18080 port [tcp/*] succeeded! # cat < /dev/tcp/ Just hangs without any result. Just want to understand when I can use "/dev/tcp/host/port" option – Alexandr – 9 years ago

5@Alexandr... actually, "hangs without any result" is pretty much expected behavior. cat is waiting for input. nc has extra smarts to enable it to sense no-data pending and stops trying. cat isn't quite as smart. Try cat < /dev/tcp/localhost/22, you should get your sshd header. Evidently, your process on port 18080 waits for something to come in, before sending anything. Port 22 (ssh) greets you with it's version and whatnot. Try it out! – lornix – 9 years ago

1@lornix, thank you very much for explanation! Now the restriction is clear. I think using nc should be a preferred way to check ports. – Alexandr – 9 years ago

Not working on Ubuntu 16.04.1 – Daniel Andrei Mincă – 8 years ago

@MincăDanielAndrei Make sure you're using bash. No idea if this works on other shells, Ubuntu may have substituted a different shell as your default, depending on the whims of The Mark. – lornix – 8 years ago

@lornix I'm using GNU bash, version 4.3.46(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu). The problem is that /dev/tcp/ does not exist. I got /dev everything except /tcp and /udp . – Daniel Andrei Mincă – 8 years ago

Bash emulates the /dev/tcp and /dev/udp paths when used in redirections. (From Bash Man Page v4.4.0, line 1344. Should be in similar location in yours). Those paths don't exist for other programs or even as files. So 'cat /dev/tcp/localhost/22' will error out, while 'cat < /dev/tcp/localhost/22' will show your SSH server header. – lornix – 8 years ago

Pow, this is the way to test Ansible's wait_for command on the command line => http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/wait_for_module.html

– Elijah Lynn – 8 years ago

doesn't work under CentOS. – Scott Chu – 8 years ago

2This was incredibly helpful when working with a docker container that had nothing installed. Was able to quickly verify that the container had access to non-containerized DB via DNS. Example: cat < /dev/tcp/hostname/5432 – Michael Hobbs – 6 years ago

Look further down in the "answers" and @sim has a great example of applying this answer. His bash fu is strong. (btw - this does work under CentOS.) – Beege – 6 years ago


Nice and verbose! From the man pages.
Single port:

nc -zv 80

Multiple ports:

nc -zv 22 80 8080

Range of ports:

nc -zv 20-30

Subhranath Chunder

Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 4 281

7Seems to be far the bestest answer, thanks. ;-) – lpapp – 10 years ago

2Perfect! This outputs a clear connection succeeded/failed message with just the one line. Note that multiple ranges don't appear to work for my nc version; only the first range is tested. – davidjb – 10 years ago


This hanged when tried on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) for a remote server (same LAN) for closed ports (it timed out after 127 seconds) - thus not very suitable in scripts. It did work though for a service that had a port open. Using option "-w2" could be the solution.

– Peter Mortensen – 10 years ago

6Use -u option for UDP ports. – Efren – 8 years ago

8On version 6.4 of ncat -z is not recognized. I was able to do without z – smishra – 8 years ago

5You can check multiple ranges with: nc -zv 22,80,8080,20-30,443-446 (nc Version: 1.107-4). – bobbel – 8 years ago

1I like how the man page for nc says The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun involving TCP, UDP, or UNIX-domain sockets. – A Child of God – 7 years ago

Doesn't seem to be bundled with Centos v6 – Janac Meena – 6 years ago

2that's great, but only if nc is actually installed :P the accepted answer via bash works almost everywhere, more GNU/Linux servers have bash than nc – Petr – 6 years ago


Netcat is a useful tool:

nc 123 &> /dev/null; echo $?

Will output 0 if port 123 is open, and 1 if it's closed.


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 1 551


This hanged when tried on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) for a remote server (same LAN) for closed ports (it timed out after about 127 seconds) - thus not very suitable in scripts. It did work though for a service that had a port open, returning 0. Using option "-w2" could be the solution.

– Peter Mortensen – 10 years ago

1I think -G 2 would be more appropriate for TCP timeout – A B – 10 years ago

@PeterMortensen Connection timeout is a generic network problem, nothing particular to netcat. Configure your desired timeout with the -w flag. – thnee – 9 years ago

@thnee -w doesn't seem to work for connections. See here and here. Quote -w # => Timeout after # seconds. Note that -w also sets the network inactivity timeout. This does not have any effect until standard input closes […] This works for final net reads but not for connections.

– 1.61803 – 9 years ago

For those who don't know bash well, what does the &> /dev/null; echo $? do? I noticed that without that addition, the command produces no output. – connorbode – 9 years ago

&> /dev/null redirects all output so it wont show up, and echo $? shows the resulting status code of the previous command executed. – thnee – 9 years ago

How to use this statement for a conditional -like if- operator? if[ WhatGoesHere == 1] – İsmail Yavuz – 8 years ago

This is a far more elegant and scriptable answer than my own. It is unfortunate for me that the security-conscious sysadmins who withheld telnet also withheld nc (though – strangely – not curl or wget). – Steve HHH – 12 years ago

Yes that is completely arbitrary and silly. – thnee – 12 years ago

3Let the FOR statements begin! – Chad Harrison – 12 years ago


The simplest method, without making use of another tool, such as socat, is as described in @lornix's answer above. This is just to add an actual example of how one would make use of the psuedo-device /dev/tcp/... within Bash if you wanted to, say, test if another server had a given port accessible via the command line.


Say I have a host on my network named skinner.

$ (echo > /dev/tcp/skinner/22) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
    && echo "It's up" || echo "It's down"
It's up

$ (echo > /dev/tcp/skinner/222) >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
    echo "It's up" || echo "It's down"
It's down

The reason you want to wrap the echo > /dev/... in parentheses like this, (echo > /dev/...) is because if you don't, then with tests of connections that are down, you'll get these types of messages showing up.

$ (echo > /dev/tcp/skinner/223) && echo hi
bash: connect: Connection refused
bash: /dev/tcp/skinner/223: Connection refused

These can't simply be redirected to /dev/null since they're coming from the attempt to write out data to the device /dev/tcp. So we capture all that output within a sub-command, i.e. (...cmds...) and redirect the output of the sub-command.


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 7 449

1This is excellent. Wish it would get voted up to the top. I only read this far down the page because I accidentally scrolled before closing it. – Still.Tony – 10 years ago

@Okuma.Tony - yes that's always an issue with Q's that have many answers 8-). Thanks for the feedback though, it's appreciated. – slm – 10 years ago


I found that curl may get the job done in a similar way to telnet, and curl will even tell you which protocol the listener expects.

Construct an HTTP URI from the hostname and port as the first argument to curl. If curl can connect, it will report a protocol mismatch and exit (if the listener isn't a web service). If curl cannot connect, it will time out.

For example, port 5672 on host is either closed or blocked by a firewall:

$ curl
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

However, from a different system, port 5672 on host can be reached, and appears to be running an AMQP listener.

$ curl
curl: (56) Failure when receiving data from the peer

It's important to distinguish between the different messages: the first failure was because curl could not connect to the port. The second failure is a success test, though curl expected an HTTP listener instead of an AMQP listener.

Steve HHH

Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 5 590

This may be incorrect. I am havng a tomcat service running, but getting 404 error.

curl -k

<html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/7.0.34 - Error report</title><style><!--H1 --- HR {color : #525D76;}--></style> </head><body><h1>HTTP Status 404 - /</h1><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><p><b>type</b> Status report</p><p><b>message</b> <u>/</u></p><p><b>description</b> <u>The requested resource is not available.</u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/7.0.34</h3></body></html>

– Mohammad Shahid Siddiqui – 10 years ago

See my post with similar approach.

– kenorb – 9 years ago

5If curl isn't available, wget might be. wget -qS -O- http://ip.add.re.ss:port should effectively do the same thing. – a CVn – 12 years ago

4This even works with a hostname, ex. curl myhost:22. – 에이바 – 11 years ago


[admin@automation-server 1.2.2]# nc -v -z -w2 6443
nc: connect to port 6443 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

[admin@automation-server 1.2.2]# nc -v -z -w2 6443
Connection to 6443 port [tcp/sun-sr-https] succeeded!

Hope it solves your problem :)

Mohammad Shahid Siddiqui

Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 271

1Yes, this is better - timing out almost immediately for closed ports. – Peter Mortensen – 10 years ago

1Does this always use TCP or is there a way to get it to check UDP? – kmoe – 9 years ago


Here is one-liner:

</dev/tcp/localhost/11211 && echo Port is open || echo Port is closed

using Bash syntax explained in @lornix answer.

For more info, check: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Chapter 29. /dev and /proc.


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 16 795

what is the timeout for closed ports? – Tilo – 6 years ago


I was struggling for a whole day because none of these answers seemed to work for me. The problem is that the most recent version of nc no longer has the -z flag, whereas direct access via TCP (as according to @lornix and @slm) fails when the host is not reachable. I eventually found this page, where I finally found not one but two working examples:

  1. nc -w1 22 </dev/null

    (the -w flag takes care of the timeout, and the </dev/null replaces the -z flag)

  2. timeout 1 bash -c '(echo > /dev/tcp/ >/dev/null 2>&1'

    (the timeout command takes care of the timeout, and the rest is from @slm)

Then, simply use && and/or || (or even $?) to extract the result. Hopefully, somebody will find this information useful.


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 81


Combining the answers from @kenorb and @Azukikuru you could test port open/closed/firewalled.

timeout 1 bash -c '</dev/tcp/ && echo Port is open || echo Port is closed' || echo Connection timeout

Another approach with curl for reaching any port

curl telnet://

Miguel Ferreira

Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 161


Here's a function that will pick one of the methods depending on what's installed on your system:

# Check_port <address> <port> 
check_port() {
if [ "$(which nc)" != "" ]; then 
elif [ "$(which curl)" != "" ]; then
elif [ "$(which telnet)" != "" ]; then
elif [ -e /dev/tcp ]; then
      if [ "$(which gtimeout)" != "" ]; then  
      elif [ "$(which timeout)" != "" ]; then  
echo "Using $tool to test access to $1:$2"
case $tool in
nc) nc -v -G 5 -z -w2 $1 $2 ;;
curl) curl --connect-timeout 10 http://$1:$2 ;;
telnet) telnet $1 $2 ;;
gtimeout)  gtimeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/${1}/${2} && echo Port is open || echo Port is closed" || echo Connection timeout ;;
timeout)  timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/${1}/${2} && echo Port is open || echo Port is closed" || echo Connection timeout ;;
devtcp)  </dev/tcp/${1}/${2} && echo Port is open || echo Port is closed ;;
*) echo "no tools available to test $1 port $2";;

export check_port

Robert Boyd

Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 41

why would you set tool, only to use it later in the case statement. isn't it simpler to check which tool is available and use it immediately in the if block? – Mark Lybarger – 5 years ago


It shouldn't be available on your box, but try with nmap.


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 801

4nmap is a good tool, but not available on these systems. Rather than download nmap, compile it, install it to my home directory, then copy it to all the other systems, I was hoping to find a way using existing tools available in most Linux installations. – Steve HHH – 12 years ago


for reference, expanding on @peperunas' answer:

the way to use nmap to test, is:

nmap -p 22

(example above uses localhost for demonstration purposes)


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 265


If you've to test more than on system you may use our test tool dda-serverspec (https://github.com/DomainDrivenArchitecture/dda-serverspec-crate) for such tasks. You may define your expectation

{:netcat [{:host "mywebserver.com" :port "443"}
          {:host "telnet mywebserver.com" :port "80"}
          {:host "telnet mywebserver.com" :port "8443"}]}

and test these expectation either against localhost or against remote hosts (connect by ssh). For remote tests you've to define a targets:

{:existing [{:node-name "test-vm1"
             :node-ip ""}
            {:node-name "test-vm2"
             :node-ip ""}]
 :provisioning-user {:login "ubuntu"}}

You may run the test with java -jar dda-serverspec.jar --targets targets.edn serverspec.edn

Under the hood we're using netcat as proprosed above ...


Posted 12 years ago

Reputation: 1