How start a single program within a new xserver instance in full screen mode?


I'd like to run a program in full screen mode without the overhead of a desktop environment but simply on a xserver instance.

This is fairly easy by running:

startx <program>

Trouble is that that program gets placed in the upper left corner and I have no clue how to let it use the full screen height and width.

Any hints?


Posted 2013-06-12T17:41:31.507

Reputation: 334


– Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心法轮功六四事件 – 2017-02-18T08:32:16.333



Most X programs will accept the option "geometry" to state both window placement and size. This can also be set as an X resource. Usually the man page for the program will tell you which X resources you can set, or otherwise how to specify placement etc.

Other programs, such as Midori, will have a fullscreen option as an argument to the program:

midori -e Fullscreen

There is more information about options to Midori at the midori website.

Jenny D

Posted 2013-06-12T17:41:31.507

Reputation: 520

Thanks for the answer but unfortunately midori does not support the geometry option.

– hennr – 2013-06-13T08:17:37.193

It would have helped a lot if you'd said which program you were talking about from the start... I've now added information specific to Midori. – Jenny D – 2013-06-13T08:19:11.440

Well, which program I run doesn't matter too much. I've tried running midori -e Fullscreen without any success already, these options don't count if running a bare xserver without a desktop environment. The -geometry option was a good idea though, but midori doesn't implement it. – hennr – 2013-06-13T09:31:13.057

It would have mattered to me, as it would have saved me the time I spent writing an answer that does not apply to your situation. But I understand that this may not be of concern to you. – Jenny D – 2013-06-13T09:34:56.670

I appreciate your time and help. "-geometry" could have been a correct answer. So please let's don't make this a flame war. – hennr – 2013-06-13T09:52:13.723