I've been trying to keep some files in a separate folder as shortcut, so that I can keep track of my favourite media files and images etc in a specified folder as shortcut. I don't want to always copy these files everytime to that location so I was thinking of making it easier by adding a shortcut to the "send to" menu... I have windows 7 on my pc.
I'm trying to create a shortcut similar to the "send to Desktop (create shortcut)" that can simply place a shortcut in my "C:\Fav Media" folder, or similar location AS A SHORTCUT. Methods I had in mind:
Create a batch file that takes any file as input and creates a shortcut of that file in that folder. Thus any file can be dropped to the batch.bat.lnk shortcut and it's shortcut is sent to that folder. If file drop is successful, then I believe that send to option will do the same thing.
I checked the "desktop (create shortcut).desklink" and it's extension is as already mentioned: .deskling.
I don't intend to play with registry, so if there's any file like a xml or txt or bat in windows that manages .desklink kind of extensions and does place shortcut from sendto menu no matter what the shortcut.desklink is named as, then maybe I could edit that xml and place the "C:\fav folder" as an addition in extensions to that xml with extension: ".favlink" ...
Is this possible? Can this be done in windows 7?
Thanks for any help.
it looks nice :) – Endoro – 12 years ago