How do I delete or modify Default User's default printer?


I have some computers that I set up a couple years ago by creating a user account, setting it up the way I wanted, and copying that user's directory over Default User's directory. Pretty simple stuff.

One of the things that I did was to add a printer and set it as the default. Straightforward, or so I thought.

Things have changed, and that printer has been removed and replaced with a different printer. I deleted the old printer's object and added the new one.

Now every time a new user logs in, their profile gets copied from Default User, and they get the old printer as their default. This re-adds the old printer object to the system. Now every user can see the old printer's object again.

I want to permanently delete Default User's default printer. How?


Posted 2009-10-22T18:12:02.440

Reputation: 12 423



If you want to install and specify a new default printer I think the easiest way is to:

  1. Login with a new user
  2. Modify it how you please, logout
  3. Login as a local admin (not the user you just modified)
  4. Right-click on My Computer, Properties
  5. Advanced tab, User Profiles Settings button
  6. Select the profile you just modified, select Copy To
  7. Browse to the Default Profile @ C:\Documents and Settings\Default User, click Ok

This KB article describes another method but it sounds like a pain to me.

Edit: If you just want to remove the default printer you can:

  1. Login as a local admin
  2. Start -> Run -> regedit
  3. Click HKEY_USERS
  4. File, Load Hive, browse to C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\ and select NTUSER.DAT
  5. Specify "DU" if prompted for a name
  6. Browse to HKEY_USERS\DU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
  7. Look for a key named "Device" of type REG_SZ
  8. Double-click that key, remove the data, press Ok
  9. Browse back to HKEY_USERS\DU, click the File menu, Unload Hive


Posted 2009-10-22T18:12:02.440

Reputation: 3 535

Thanks, that's what I thought. I was hoping for something quicker, or a utility for the purpose. – eleven81 – 2009-10-22T18:41:12.817