Can't seem to connect to Win 7 share with smbclient 3.5.5 on Haiku


I did the registry mods mentioned here but cannot seem to connect. I say seem to, because there's no error message.

smbclient \\\\WIN7MACHINE\\ -U myusername
smbclient \\\\WIN7MACHINE\\ -U%
smbclient \\\\WIN7MACHINE\\

All of these, with or without quotes around the share name, (and optionally asking for a password, whether I enter the correct one or not) just return me back to the bash prompt without a further message, e.g.:

/> smbclient \\\\WIN7MACHINE\\ -U myusername
Enter myusername's password:

What gives? I can connect fine from XBMC. Also, smbclient -L \\ lists all shares just fine.

If I get more specific than \\\\WIN7MACHINE\\ I get this error:

session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0

...correct password or not, and dumped back to the bash prompt.


Posted 2013-04-12T20:37:16.740

Reputation: 1 069

Did you try with smbclient //WIN7MACHINE/<shared> -U user ? – None – 2014-02-17T14:30:41.870

@dcrespe, I hadn't--the docs showed backslashes. – Kev – 2014-02-19T15:26:33.510

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