Adding a shortcut for "Change Adapter Settings"



Is it possible to create a desktop shortcut for "Change Adapter Settings" in windows 7?

I run virtual machines, that I need to enable/disable NICs frequently.


Posted 2013-03-12T11:46:24.607

Reputation: 988



You can create a shortcut to network connections by following this:

1) Right click on a empty area on the desktop and click on 'New' and 'Shortcut'.

enter image description here

2) Enter this rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl in the 'Type the location of the item' field as shown below enter image description here

3) Now provide a name for your shortcut and click 'Finish' button. The shortcut should be created on your desktop enter image description here

Once this is done and you click it it should take you straight to 'Change adapter settings' screen.


Posted 2013-03-12T11:46:24.607

Reputation: 1 215


The accepted answer is nice and impressive, but its not the way Microsoft wants you to do it.

Instead you should drag & drop the icon in front of your Address Bar to your desktop.
This creates a shortcut and has already the correct icon and filename.

enter image description here

Btw. this method works with every Control Panel window


Posted 2013-03-12T11:46:24.607

Reputation: 23 233

It is simpler but you cannot pin it to the taskbar without it getting absorbed into the control panel pinned application and requiring an additional click. – freb – 2014-10-30T05:11:17.187

2This is a far simpler method. – TheTurkey – 2014-05-08T08:48:44.917


Based on the answer by @Shivaranjan, an alternative way is Win+R and type ncpa.cpl:

enter image description here

Simon A. Eugster

Posted 2013-03-12T11:46:24.607

Reputation: 840

Best answer!!!! – Reza Sanaie – 2017-06-15T21:31:48.683