Bridge Windows 8 Guest in OSX Mountain Lion Host Virtual Machine for local development


I'm trying to test in a local development environment before committing to my team's repository. Host OS - OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion Guest OS - Windows 8

I am running VMWare Fusion 5 as a virtual machine. The VM Network Adapter is configured as bridged -> autodetect.

I browse to my development web files in the host os at localhost:8080

I CAN hit the internet,, etc from my guest os. However browsing my host's local IP address at that port ( brings up nothing. In fact, Internet Explorer tries to do a bing search.

What else must I configure to be able to hit localhost:8080 from my Windows 8 guest os?


Posted 2013-03-06T20:48:05.603

Reputation: 315



So I found a workaround but I don't know why it works.

  1. Install Chrome
  2. Point Chrome to [host ip]:8080
  3. The site works
  4. Open IE
  5. Point IE to [host ip]:8080
  6. The site works

Omitting steps 1-3 will result in IE doing a Bing search for your local ip address


Posted 2013-03-06T20:48:05.603

Reputation: 315