Import backup registry on windows startup



Is there a way to import a backed up registry into windows if it does not start after using a registry cleanup service?

Rachel Nark

Posted 2013-02-27T01:01:41.923

Reputation: 649

in .REG format. – Rachel Nark – 2013-02-27T05:29:08.097



Things you can try if you have a corrupted registry:

  1. Last Known Good Configuration from the F8 boot menu or System Restore from the DVD.

  2. A repair install.

  3. Booting from a BartPE or WinPE disc/USB, running Regedit, loading the hive files (see default locations for Win95-XP here and Vista+ here) and importing your .REGs might work.

  4. Copying the hive backups located in windows\repair and overwriting the corrupt files in windows\system32\config (XP), or from windows\system32\config\regback to windows\system32\config (Vista+) might also work.

    User-specific settings would be in Documents and Settings\UserName\NTUser.dat (XP) or Users\UserName\NTUser.dat (Vista+), if you have those backed up as well.


Posted 2013-02-27T01:01:41.923

Reputation: 51 857