How to run AutoCAD LT 2002 as a non-Administrator user?


When I launch AutoCAD LT 2002 as a non-Administrator user, it displays the error message You do not have sufficient rights to run AutoCAD LT and then quits.

I also tried running it as Administrator once, in case it needed to perform some post-installation configuration. Now, when I log in as a non-Administrator user, it says Failed to update the system registry. Please try using REGEDIT. and runs. But it would be nice to quell that error message.


Posted 2013-02-13T04:08:34.387

Reputation: 1 352



  • Log in as Administrator
  • Launch REGEDT32.EXE
  • For each of the following registry keys, recursively grant full permissions for the non-Administrator user:
    • HKCR\AutoCAD.Drawing.15
    • HKCR\AutoCAD LT.Drawing
    • HKCR\CLSID\{4D3263E4...
    • HKCU\Software\Autodesk
    • HKLM\Software\Autodesk


Posted 2013-02-13T04:08:34.387

Reputation: 1 352