Remote Desktop stopped working


I am running Windows Vista Business SP2 on my main PC connected to router by a cable and my wireless laptop runs Windows 7 Ultimate SP1. I installed additional Microsoft Office components and now Remote Desktop will not connect to the main PC.

With the computer name Wilson-PC, I get the error Remote Desktop cannot find the computer Wilson-PC.

When I use the IP I get an error with the 3 following options: Remote access not enabled, Remote computer turned off, Remote Computer not available on network, however when I run ping in Command Prompt I get ping reply OK.

I have checked and Remote Access is Enabled and Firewall allows Remote access.

Here is ipconfig's output


Windows IP Configuration 

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-spcific DNS Suffix = :
Link-Local 1Pv6 Address..........= : fe80: :28a3:75a6:423c:3257x8
IPv4 Address...........................= :
Subnet Mask............................= :
Default Gateway......................= : 

Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection*6:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix.......:
IPv6 Address................................: 2001:5ef5:79fb:809:19eb:26d6:fa0f
Link-LOcal IPv6 Address..............: fe00::19eb:26d6:fa0f%9
Default Gateway..........................:

Tunnel Adapter Local Area Connection* 7:

Media Stare................................... :Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix........:

Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 11:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix ......:
IPv6 Address..........................,,,,,,,,,: 2002:d929:5f0::d929;5f0
Default Gateway.............................: 2002:c058:6301:c058:6301

Can anyone give a suggestion please?


Posted 2013-02-06T18:28:31.840

Reputation: 11

1Routing and Remote Access firewall rule? That is not the same as Remote Desktop – Logman – 2013-02-06T18:41:15.770

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