Wireless stops working when desktop powered on (wired connection still works)


Background info:
Comcast cable internet and TV
Regular modem
Linksys WRT54G router
Windows7 desktop

The problem I'm seeing is that our wireless connection cuts out about 5 minutes after turning on our main desktop. Turn off the main desktop and wireless begins to work again. Throughout all of this, the wired connection works fine, and I have no problem connecting to the router either. Any ideas what could be causing this?


Posted 2013-01-25T00:41:34.710

Reputation: 21



Any chance your desktop has a bluetooth adapter installed? Some bluetooth adapters are known to cause WIFI coexistance issues.

Alex P.

Posted 2013-01-25T00:41:34.710

Reputation: 2 592

No bluetooth adapters are installed. – fred – 2013-01-25T17:03:29.890