Can't Ping From Windows 7 Box


I can't ping from Windows 7 box in my network, but:

  • Other machines CAN ping to it
  • It does navigate normally on the Internet

When I ping I get the following error message:

PING: transmit failed. General failure.

Daniel Silveira

Posted 2009-10-09T18:26:58.860

Reputation: 534

The usual overly-helpful windows-style error messages...reminds me of the "General Protection Fault" days... – marcusw – 2010-01-28T02:30:09.067

Do you get a timeout or an error? – Chris Thompson – 2009-10-09T18:31:09.477

What O/S are the other machines? Have you tried turning off all firewalls? – harrymc – 2009-10-09T19:16:31.320

Are you able to ping yourself? Either localhost or – Chris Thompson – 2009-10-09T19:29:23.713



In general, this error occurs if there is no routable interface on the system for the address you provide. Since the OS can't determine what interface to use, ping fails and provides this error. Common scenarios can include:

  • No default route set for the host (ping may still succeed to hosts within the subnet, or those with static routes)
  • Interface holding the default route is down or disabled


Posted 2009-10-09T18:26:58.860

Reputation: 11


I saw the same problem on a Vista system. It turned out that the AV software (Trend Micro) had a built-in firewall that was causing the problem. Disabling the AV firewall fixed it.

Joe Internet

Posted 2009-10-09T18:26:58.860

Reputation: 5 145


If you're pinging a *nix box, and you've set a MAC address for your ethernet device (or didn't set one at all), set the MAC address of the device to any 12 digit number starting with 0.


Posted 2009-10-09T18:26:58.860

Reputation: 181


try to disable all the others adapters on the system, leave just the one you are using for internet connection, and try again.


Posted 2009-10-09T18:26:58.860
