Vim: Step by step guide on upgrading/updating vim on Mac OS X Mountain Lion with Homebrew


What is a good step-by-step guide on installing the latest version of Vim on a Mac Mini with Mountain Lion?

I would prefer to use Homebrew but it's not necessary. And, I would like for it to be as feature rich as MacVim. I thought about adding the options manually but, since I have no idea what Vim comes with and what should be added, I decided to leave it to the experts.


Posted 2012-12-26T01:21:19.600

Reputation: 363

It's OK on Stack Overflow, because Vim is one of the most commonly used programming tools in the world. The question isn't a good one though, because you could have researched the problem a bit more and found the same answer as given, that MacVim is the appropriate choice. It's Vim for the Mac, and functions at the command-line just as well as it does using its GUI, all from the same binary. That's standard for Vim on Linux also -- it's the same binary, just called a different name, which it senses at startup and uses its GUI mode.

– TTM – 2013-01-05T16:47:47.787

@Greg OK, thanks for your info, I wasn't sure. :) I've figured out that using brew install macvim --custom-icons --override-system-vim --with-python3 fixes my problem. :) – greduan – 2013-01-05T16:50:56.483



Just download the latest Macvim snapshot, anything else is overkill.

MacVim comes with a mvim script for use at the command line. Place it somewhere in your $PATH and you can do $ mvim -v filename to start MacVim's vim executable right there, in your shell.


Posted 2012-12-26T01:21:19.600

Reputation: 19 227

Using mvim launches MacVim, that doesn't workout if you're going to use tmux or something similar. :/ – greduan – 2012-12-26T11:52:39.407

Did you read my answer? I've been using MacVim's CLI executable that way since more than two years. That's $ mvim -v, not $ mvim. – romainl – 2012-12-26T13:44:59.490

OH! Stupid stupid! Me of course. Thanks! That will work out perfectly! – greduan – 2012-12-26T14:10:18.053


You can also just "brew install vim" to install vim stable 7.3.762. This is normal, console vim, not "MacVim".


Posted 2012-12-26T01:21:19.600

Reputation: 151

I see, I was thinking about that. Although I remember reading somewhere that it's not a rich version. Is this statement true? – greduan – 2012-12-27T20:39:36.750

It's the latest tagged Vim from Google Code. It's the "huge" features version of Vim. See here for more info:

– Doug – 2012-12-27T20:50:02.313

I see, thanks! I ran brew install macvim --override-system-vim before this. You think that running this will mess it up? – greduan – 2012-12-27T21:18:12.713