Port Forwarding for RDP


I'm trying to setup Remote Desktop on my computer. It's currently running Windows 7. RDP is set to allow for incoming connections.

I've followed the instructions at PortForward.com, but am having no luck. Here's the details:

Router: TP-LINK WR841N -- WanIP=, LanIP=
                          DHCP Bounds = (start) through

Computer Static IP (Assigned) =

External IP (whatsmyip.com) = 111.67.xxx.xxx

Also of note, I have port 3389 forwarded on the router to IP and it is enabled for all protocols.

Now when I run PFPortCheck, I get "Could not test port 3389 because some other application has that port locked. Please close any applications that may be using this port and try again."

Now this is funny, as I have removed all antivirus and firewall software from my computer, and disabled Windows Defender.

So, I run "netstat -aon" and I get the following:


PID 1216 doesn't show in Task Manager, but using "tasklist" from the command line reveals that it's svchost.exe. So I killed the process with "taskkill /PID 1216 /F" and it magically terminated.

Returning back to PFPortCheck, I try to test the port again. Only now I get "We were unable to ping your router" and "Your port is NOT OPEN or not reachable!".

So, can anyone tell me how I can open this port so I can walk accross the street and RDP into it?




Posted 2012-12-29T11:34:16.030


Can you connect locally? Like from another computer in your LAN? – barlop – 2012-12-29T14:43:14.900

What is the subnet mask for your WAN, and what is the subnet mask for your LAN? – barlop – 2012-12-29T14:47:00.220

WAN subnet = / LAN subnet = – None – 2012-12-29T15:06:41.757

Haven't had any luck connecting locally either, really not even sure how to try – None – 2012-12-29T15:07:13.643

1A)You must succeed in connecting locally before considering the router. B)Your network's IPS are both overly complex, and the subnet masks don't match them either. A way of fixing your IPS, is make your computer's static ip 192.168.0.zzz And your DHCP 192.168.0.aaa to 192.168.0.bbb (where aaa is less than bbb). Then your subnet mask can be At the moment given your LAN IP, Computer's IP, and LAN subnet mask, your computer's IP is not on your network so you'll have problems. – barlop – 2012-12-29T22:24:30.567

What error message do you get? – Guy Thomas – 2012-12-29T22:36:18.527

Once you get your LAN IPs sorted out, then try connecting a laptop to your LAN, then you try to connect to the other computer on your LAN with RDP. – barlop – 2012-12-29T22:48:24.293

@barlop - I tried changing the DHCP start & end to 192.168.0.aaa to 192.168.0.bbb with a default gateway of, after making my computer's ip dynamic. I got "The IP address is not in the same subnet with LAN IP address". So I tried changing ONLY the DHCP start & end (without modifying the default gateway) and got "Bad IP address pool (the Starting or Ending IP address)". Not sure how to proceed here. Any other ideas? – None – 2012-12-30T02:01:42.630

@Jason when I wrote aaa and bbb, I meant aaa and bbb are NUMBERS. So you could make the DHCP range to All IP Addresses should start 192.168.0 And your subnet mask should be all your IPs will be on the same subnet. – barlop – 2012-12-30T02:05:32.543

@barolp - yes, I know they are numbers (I'm a software developer, but nowhere near a networking pro). Tried the DHCP range 10-50, router subnet masks for both LAN/WAN are (same for the computer), but I still get the same "Bad IP address pool" error as stated above. – None – 2012-12-30T02:22:38.303

@Jason OK use powers of two, with 192.168.0 So, Subnet mask See if that works. Then if that fails and only if that fails, Does it give "Bad IP address pool"? Try putting your static IPs in that range. After you do that, does it say "Bad IP address pool"? Report back – barlop – 2012-12-30T14:19:46.523

And in fact, if that fails too, then maybe your LAN and WAN have to be on a different subnet. So if the above fails too, then make it so WAN is 192.168.1.xxx and LAN is 192.168.0.xxx subnet mask as they were probably ok and something else is causing you not to be able to connect RDP within your LAN. – barlop – 2012-12-30T14:28:47.457

In addition, I suggest you install nmap and port scan the destination computer you want to view, from another computer in your LAN e.g. nmap -P0 -p3389 While bearing in mind that netstat -aon run from and on the destination should show :3389 as it does in your paste. – barlop – 2012-12-30T14:31:36.710

@Barlop, thanks for the help. Have to reinstall Win7 (as well as everything else) at the moment, but will give that a run-through. Thanks again! – None – 2013-01-01T03:30:14.720



Your ISP could be blocking port forwarding depending on your package. The solution would be to upgrade your package. Ref: Is my ISP blocking ports? There are other work-arounds; ref: How can I have a server even if my ISP blocks incoming requests to my IP?

Geoffrey Wheeler

Posted 2012-12-29T11:34:16.030

Reputation: 36


I'm pretty sure the process that's locking 3389 is RDP itself. If you disable remote connections first and test again it should be able to test successfully, at least that's how it worked for me.

  1. Control Panel > System > Remote Connections
  2. Disable remote connections and Apply.
  3. Test again with port checker, could take a minute for RDP to release the port
  4. After you have your results you can re-enable remote connections and Apply

This should at least narrow it down for you, currently I have the ports test successfully after disabling RDP. Not sure what the rest of the problem is.


Posted 2012-12-29T11:34:16.030

Reputation: 1 189