Podcast aggregator for Ipod other than itunes



What is a good podcast aggregator for my ipod other than ITunes?

I'm looking for something that will poll for new podcasts daily and automatically load to my ipod when I connect my ipod to my computer.



Chris Burgess

Posted 2009-10-01T12:30:12.613

Reputation: 244

Question was closed 2014-05-07T15:32:13.537

Any specifics on why you don't want to use iTunes? If you want it to sync to your iPod, iTunes is probably genuinely the best program out there. – Sam152 – 2009-10-01T12:42:36.833

The only thing I have on my ipod are podcasts; no music. I want the simplest app for pulling podcasts down regularly and syncing them with my ipod. – Chris Burgess – 2009-10-01T14:53:15.960



Are you running a Mac or Linux? I don't know any Mac programs, but if you're running Linux - http://gPodder.org is a great tool for podcast aggregation.


Posted 2009-10-01T12:30:12.613

Reputation: 31

rhythmbox doesnt talk to iPod? – Lakshman Prasad – 2009-10-01T16:45:26.120


I think SongBird can sync to an iPod/iPhone. But for the best results to sync to an iPod, iTunes is simply the best.

Why? I have my podcasts to automatically delete off the iPod on a sync after they have been played. This on top of playlists and x2 speed for said podcasts.

Mike Wills

Posted 2009-10-01T12:30:12.613

Reputation: 918