PuTTY Alternative with keyboard copy/paste


I'm looking an some alternative for PuTTY, in which you can select, copy, and paste text, using only the keyboard.

Does anyone know anything like this?


Posted 2012-10-21T18:33:23.013

Reputation: 121

Question was closed 2016-08-12T16:28:38.293



This question has already been answered in detail here - please do a search next time.


Posted 2012-10-21T18:33:23.013

Reputation: 108

1Shift+Delete copies from putty, Shift+Insert pastes. There isn't an alternative for selecting text without the mouse but in the other answer there is a copy-all option mentioned – adavea – 2017-01-17T14:18:26.053

@adavea.. agreed.. However, I think most people who are asking this question are looking for a keyboard only option. We are using VIM to improve coding efficiency.. so want to get away from the mouse. if we use shift+delete or Cntrl+Insert, we have to use mouse to copy.. so we can just use left click anyway to copy.. – alpha_989 – 2017-07-24T14:07:10.373

@adavea, I am compiling a list of potential options here.. though I started with the same question above.., from all the answers I have read here https://stackoverflow.com/posts/45271895/.. if you know anything better please mention it so we can reduce such questions and make it easier for newcomers to get to the answers quicker. As it stands right now, it took me a while to get to this page..

– alpha_989 – 2017-07-24T14:08:49.363

@Gant, https://stackoverflow.com/posts/45271895/

– alpha_989 – 2017-07-24T14:09:44.757

2i'm looking for PuTTY ALTERNATIVE that can do that, BECAUSE it cannot be done with putty. – Itay – 2012-10-27T17:01:46.790

If you'd take the time to read all the answers, you'd see that some alternatives are actually given, as well as some workarounds with PuTTY. – Aurelia – 2012-10-27T17:06:58.387


SSH Secure Shell or try SSH Editor


Posted 2012-10-21T18:33:23.013

Reputation: 1 279

can you provide some links. Are you talking about anything from here: https://www.ssh.com/ssh/download/

– alpha_989 – 2017-07-24T14:11:28.510

where can I ssh editor? Google search doesnt lead to anything https://www.google.com/search?q=ssh+secure+editor&oq=ssh+secure+editor

– alpha_989 – 2017-07-24T14:12:58.317


In kitty at least the backspace key works opposite to putty!

Shift + INS works to insert text.

I think an Autohotkey script could help in general, like the one for the CMD in Windows enabling CTRL+V. However, I could not find a putty/kitty script. Probably you can adapt the existing one:

#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
SendInput {Raw}%clipboard%

Marking text by SHIFT and CURSOR keys might not work, I assume.

Kai Noack

Posted 2012-10-21T18:33:23.013

Reputation: 1 559