Use Putty within command prompt


When i try this command in my windows cmd

putty.exe -ssh user1@ -pw spenter11

It opens the Putty GUI when I want it to login from my windows cmd prompt itself.

Any help how can I achieve this ?

saif kamal

Posted 2012-10-11T07:25:14.983

Reputation: 11



You are not using the right application, the one you want to use instead is plink. putty itself is the terminal window (something like the GUI around plink)

plink.exe user1@server -pw password

Read more about it here:


Posted 2012-10-11T07:25:14.983

Reputation: 52 754

I wish to use ssh. therefore plink may not help. Will it ? – saif kamal – 2012-10-11T07:40:45.683

plink implements the ssh-client-protocol. i do not understand your statement. – akira – 2012-10-11T10:39:46.570