Folder doesn't show up in explorer, cmd, and python even though I can access it, how can I fix this?



I am accessing another computer on the network using a mapped network drive. The path looks like \\\d$ which is mapped to my computer's "m" drive. I can access, view, create, delete, move, etc folders on this drive. However, some folders don't show up in windows explorer, even tho I can access them.


Lets say that M:\stuff\more_stuff is a directory.

What I can't do:

  • When windows explorer is pointed at M:\stuff I can't see more_stuff
  • In cmd prompt pointed at M:\stuff "dir" doesn't find more_stuff
  • In cmd prompt pointed at M:\stuff "dir /a" doens't find more_stuff
  • In python, os.listdir at M:\stuff doens't find more_stuff

What I can do:

  • Typing M:\stuff\more_stuff into the address bar lets me access the folder like normal.

Because there is no indication that this folder even exists, there could be more like them. I have no way of knowing how many folders are magically hidden on this mapped drive.

What are some steps I can do to figure out why this folder is hidden? (With the end goal of making it no longer hidden).

Originally posted on server fault

EDIT New info

When I log into the machine itself I can see all of these folders just fine. When I disconnect and reconnect the mapped drive, the folders show up. So it definitely has something to do with the mapped drive.


Posted 2012-10-01T19:00:33.657

Reputation: 193

For future reference, please don't cross-post questions. If you accidentally post a question on the wrong Stack Exchange website, you should be able to flag the question and ask a moderator to move it to the correct site. – Darth Android – 2012-10-01T19:08:16.637

Was more_stuff created or renamed recently?  It is conceivable that your computer cached a copy of M:\stuff when you mapped the drive, and that stale cached copy never got updated. – Scott – 2012-10-01T20:37:02.010

Yes more_stuff was created recently. I'd like to figure out whats causing the issue since users are reporting that it happens frequently. Most likely more_stuff was created by a script running on the same machine with the same credentials as the user running windows explorer. If it does have something to do with a cached copy, is there some way to force a refresh? – Miebster – 2012-10-01T21:39:51.650

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