Is "Shift + Insert" common in Outlook?


Today I accidentally hit Shift+Insert in Windows XP Service Pack 3 with Outlook 2003. An email message form popped up with the latest clipboard entry already inserted into the body of the message. Is this common to all versions of Outlook?


Posted 2012-09-07T18:47:44.673

Reputation: 7 993



Shift+Insert is actually a Windows command for Paste that dates from at least Windows 3.1. It is valid in just about any Windows application, but in the case of Outlook, you had text that Outlook knew how to enter in a message, so it assumed that's what you wanted to do.

FYI, similar commands to the Shift+Insert for Paste are: Ctrl+Insert for Copy and Shift+Delete for Cut.


Posted 2012-09-07T18:47:44.673

Reputation: 8 059

1Been in use since AT LEAST DOS 5.0 – Canadian Luke – 2012-09-07T20:18:09.520

@Luke I only remember using cut/copy/paste since I was a Windows user, but Wikipedia backs you up. This was actually the standard from before Windows. When Windows came out, they adopted the Mac version of editing controls and introduced Ctrl+V, et. al. I know the old way mostly because I'm a Dvorak keyboard user, so the "new" editing keys don't make sense on my layout. – techturtle – 2012-09-07T21:54:41.317


They're part of IBM's CUA from the (late) DOS era.


Posted 2012-09-07T18:47:44.673

Reputation: 7 497


Works in Outlook 2010. Can't find any documentation on this keyboard shortcut, but it works.


Posted 2012-09-07T18:47:44.673

Reputation: 21 303