No connetion to the LAN and internet, but router gives an IP


Suddenly I don't have any connection on my laptop. Everything else runs fine. I can connect with my tablet and my mobile phone to the internet.

I can also connect to the WLAN. I get the correct IP from the router, but I am not able to connect any computer or NAS in the network, and cannot ping the router or Google and have no internet access.

I run Windows 7.

Any idea why it stopped working?


Posted 2012-08-19T11:14:33.170

Reputation: 11

I don't use windows, but do you even get the "world" icon above the network symbol? I think there is the world if there is connection through the gateway of the router. If there is, then you have gateway well. Otherwise, try to manually set up everything(IP, Gateway, DNS etc...) – SOMN – 2012-08-19T11:21:11.243

thanks for your reply.i dont have the world, just the exlamationmark in yellow. i allready tried to set the values manualy. i also disabled the ipv6 :/ any other ideas ? thanks – joel – 2012-08-19T12:42:55.910

Im trying to help you with a plataform that i don't use... i apologize if im completly wrong. What does "conection diagnose" in network center says? The ip you used was in the free range of ip's, or you put any ip also covered by DHCP pool? The gateway was the router ip? Try and as DNS server. Netmask should be or /24. – SOMN – 2012-08-19T12:53:33.607

the connecton diagnose says there is no problem :( i used another free ip from the router, not the same as it was before. also tried and i does not help :( – joel – 2012-08-19T13:22:07.657

Where did you tried (You should say: "On the DNS setting of course :D") Tell me that you didn't set as the computer ip. Check what is the DHCP pool range – SOMN – 2012-08-19T13:28:01.943

nono..i set the dns setting..not the ip ;)..i checked the pool range..and i am between.. – joel – 2012-08-19T13:44:12.290

You are inside(between) the DHCP pool range? You should be outside of that range. That range is meant for devices configured with auto settings(dhcp), and it will not allow you to connect with a static ip. – SOMN – 2012-08-19T13:46:52.507

does also not help, ip outside the range. the network still only receives data, but does not send :/ – joel – 2012-08-19T14:16:26.433

Can you please try to traceroute to something? If you don't know how to do check here:

– SOMN – 2012-08-19T14:19:11.780



Most likely your laptop has lost its DNS setting. I've had this happen when, apparently, my ISP changed DNS configuration information and it only partially propagated through the modem.

And keep in mind that your tablet and phone may be using a DNS supplied by the phone vendor, and not the one supplied by the ISP.

In any event, completely rebooting your system, including modem, router, and laptop, may be necessary to correct things. And in some cases I've simply had to wait several hours for my ISP to fix things at the head end.

Daniel R Hicks

Posted 2012-08-19T11:14:33.170

Reputation: 5 783


This kind of problems may raise from many different reasons and because of that you should start by narrowing possibilities down.

  1. Can you `ping` your router by its `ip` address?
  2. Can you `ping` other LAN devices using its `ip` address?
  3. Can you `ping` (Google DNS)

If you got responses

from any of above ping commands then you have some kind of connection to router. 1. Connection to router is working. 2. Routing to LAN works well. 3. Routing and connection to internet is working well.

If this (respond to ping, no ingernet) then problem most probably lies somewhere within DNS system. If you got response from router (1) but not from LAN (2) or WAN (3) then it could be routing problem. (wrong network mask, wrong gateway, etc)

If you do not get any responses

from any ping commands then go check your wiring/wifi connections. After that check your ip address configuration (from computer) and includee this information to your question. For example you could run command ipconfig /all and copy its output to your question.

Sampo Sarrala -

Posted 2012-08-19T11:14:33.170

Reputation: 2 268


  • ROUTER is getting overheated.
  • Shut down your ROUTER and NOTEBOOK/connected devices & PCs for 10 minutes to ambient temperature. I mean completely unplaug from the electrical socket.
  • Remove laptop battery and let the laptop discharge static electricity.
  • Restart.


Posted 2012-08-19T11:14:33.170

Reputation: 775

1Why would the other devices work? – SOMN – 2012-08-19T13:08:31.687

They may not be using WPA2 encryption that laptop is using (just a guess). – C2940680 – 2012-08-19T13:10:04.443

I didn't knew that a sigle router could run two autentication methods. At least my 50$ router can't... bad luck cheap router :P – SOMN – 2012-08-19T13:14:28.843

but why did the network run for the whole last year with the same router and it stopt working just yet? i did already unplug all devices, even the battery from the laptop for one hour..did also not help :/ – joel – 2012-08-19T13:23:32.480

@joel Can you try with another router, or try to setup a computer that this router never saw before? – SOMN – 2012-08-19T13:27:23.367

iwill try this tomorrow in my office.currently i dont have any second router available :/ – joel – 2012-08-19T13:40:03.933

What is your ROUTER name, make and model? Does it get quite hot to touch? – C2940680 – 2012-08-19T17:21:35.333

What possible mechanism would cause a router to "overheat"??? – Daniel R Hicks – 2012-08-19T18:38:01.890