Reserved DHCP Address, now can't access the interwebs


Pretty self-explainitory. Yesterday I reserved a DHCP address for one of my computers and now it cannot access the outside world. It can resolve domain names, but it cannot ping. This is probably fairly low-level, but I am network-dumb. On the local network, everything works fine.

Josh Brody

Posted 2012-07-20T16:44:29.367

Reputation: 111

From where did you get the IP address, your ISP? your router? – Synetech – 2012-07-20T16:46:27.773

Private block; router. – Josh Brody – 2012-07-20T16:51:21.777

Does the router have access-controls/restrictions/blocking/etc. in place/active? You may need to either disable it or add an exception for the IP/MAC address of the system. If it worked correctly before, then I would guess that the IP address is new, so you have to add/change the exception for the new IP. – Synetech – 2012-07-20T16:54:27.967

Will check that out and report back! Thanks :) – Josh Brody – 2012-07-20T17:17:24.787

What's your OS, Windows, Unix, BS2000? – ott-- – 2012-07-20T18:06:24.827

Windows. /10char – Josh Brody – 2012-07-20T18:17:52.147

As you speak of a "local network", my question may sound dumb (as probably all other machines work fine) -- but did you try a tracert instead of a ping to see where it hangs? In case you don't know: traceroute, speaking simplified, does ping "all hosts along the way to the target", so you get a report from each "point along the way" -- until you reach your target, or the route breaks.

– Izzy – 2012-07-20T20:35:22.877

It should be noted that an unsuccessful ping on a traceroute (* * *) does not necessarily mean that hop is unresponsive or problematic, many routers just drop pings. – MaQleod – 2012-07-20T22:30:58.540

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