How to configure Full Cone NAT with Iptables


I want to find the right iptables commands combination to address the following need:

  • NEs are NATed thru the linux box (using iptables) towards the WAN cloud, where the NTP servers are situated.
  • In order to achieve redundancy, the NTP Servers are in a load balancing cluster with one virtual IP address (
  • The problem is that when the NEs request for NTP updates using the, the NTP response is received from one of the actual IP addresses (.200, .230 .240).


The iptables is not allowing this flow, which is normal since the requested vs responding address are not the same ( vs :

Request : UDP ---> (this is Before NAT, of course after NAT the source is Response: UDP ---> (Response to the WAN address)

I'm wondering if there is any way to let iptables establish the UDP flow only based on the (s-port/d-port) regardless of the IP addresses, and execute the NAT back to the LAN based on that.

UDP/NTP is just an example, almost all the needed services are setup in the same way (load balancing in Cluster).

Khusen Asoy

Posted 2012-06-16T18:44:18.610

Reputation: 53

you could MASQUERADE both ways on your loadbalancers, but the suggestion below with something like ``ipvsadm` is a good one. – Wrikken – 2013-05-14T19:42:45.460



netfilter does not support full cone NAT/endpoint independent mappings out of the box. You'll need a 3rd party kernel module for that.

If the client software supports UPnP IGD or PCP for port mapping requests you can also install a upnp/pcp daemon on the router.


Posted 2012-06-16T18:44:18.610

Reputation: 385


Maybe you should look at your load balancer. Replacing a dumb NAT with something more sophisticated like IPVS should do the job.

Janos Pasztor

Posted 2012-06-16T18:44:18.610

Reputation: 767