How to prevent putty / VIM bell on greater than character



I'm ussing Putty to connect via SSH and running VIM. Whenever I enter a greater than character '>' the bell sound rings.

I can disable the bell entirely in Putty but that's not ideal.

Can anyone suggest why the bell rings when entering this character and how to make it stop?


Posted 2012-06-04T17:01:44.587

Reputation: 157

1hu... what? That the bell rings when typing the '>' in insert mode?? does it happen only with the '>' character? – leonbloy – 2012-06-04T17:40:36.713

The bell rings whenever the > character is typed in insert mode. Presumably there are other times that the bell rings in VIM although I can't think of what they are right now. But if I type something like this:


the bell would ring twice – Hibiscus – 2012-06-05T16:17:09.517



You may need to disable the bell in VIM

PuTTY is responding to a terminal bell signal sent from VIM. To disable it type the following while in VIM normal (not insert) mode (hit ESC several times to make sure).

:set vb t_vb=

This will disable the audible and visual bell entirely for VIM.

You can add it to ~/.vimrc to make it permanent.

Jeremy W

Posted 2012-06-04T17:01:44.587

Reputation: 3 529

But VIM normally beeps when you've press some incorrect key, or when wants to call to attention to something. The OP seems to get a beep for an unexpected scenario. – leonbloy – 2012-06-05T16:32:48.390


I was just fighting with this problem myself. According to a thread I found on nabble, the beep is caused by showmatch being on and vim trying to find and jump to the opening < for the > you're typing.

This can either be fixed by setting noshowmatch, or adjusting matchpairs so that it doesn't match < and >

Mike Gossmann

Posted 2012-06-04T17:01:44.587

Reputation: 791


Command for > in VIM:

> : Shift right (indent)

Vic Abreu

Posted 2012-06-04T17:01:44.587

Reputation: 399

Yes, and if this happened in visual mode then maybe it would be because I couldn't indent or something like that. But this happens on insert mode. – Hibiscus – 2012-06-05T16:18:07.877