How to divide .for file on parts with conditions


If we have for example very big matrix .for file 50MB shown down. I have to divide it on 50 separated .for files not bigger then 1Mb. How to make them automatically, not copy/paste manual? As we have example list down, it will be good to divide it on the end of some members of matrix, not somewhere in the middle of numbers, because of easier following.

 A(1,1)=608245.2842 + 0.344804658*X(65) - 10.10795816*X(66) + 7.65
 #7204197*X(67) - 0.471680875*X(68) + 3.555346388*X(69) - 0.94350445
 #25*w(70) - 1.887567575*w(71) - 0.5289184608*w(72) + 0.7835863517*w
 #(73) + 0.7797242472*w(74) - 0.06254543093*w(75)

 A(1,2)=6) - 0.3096263716*w(77) + 0.2442622122*w(78) + 0.39008*w(79) 
 #+ 0.05444760161*w(80) + 2.141140126e6*w(1)**2 - 9868.479006*w(1)*w
 #(2) + 187397.7897*w(2)**2 + 1.326258688e6*w(1)*w(3) - 162807.522*w
 #(2)*w(3) + 244696.3804*w(3)**2 + 495793.6949*w(1)*w(4) + 85100.066

George Mills

Posted 2012-06-02T11:07:02.900

Reputation: 103

If you were on Linux, you could use csplit. – Paused until further notice. – 2012-06-02T11:16:39.480

@Dennis Windows – George Mills – 2012-06-02T19:59:36.213

@Dennis Can I use csplit in notepad++ or something similar? – George Mills – 2012-06-03T11:41:11.253

No, as I said "If you were on Linux...". I failed to mention that this includes installing Cygwin or similar on Windows. – Paused until further notice. – 2012-06-03T14:06:09.677

@Dennis Do you have idea how to make parts? With Cygwin I can? If I will find Linux, can you explain me how to do that? – George Mills – 2012-06-03T15:32:45.527

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