I'm considering getting a new cable modem. Doing some research I found myself on Wikipedia: I'm wondering if it's worth the extra $30-40 for my home network to go ahead and get version 3.0 instead of 2.0.

The table on this page refers to number of channels that hardware must be able to support. Is this referring to my router and network card?


Posted 2012-05-16T13:10:45.317

Reputation: 960

Question was closed 2014-04-12T15:47:53.940

2My two cents: Don't get anything but a Surboard 6120, 6121, or 6220. You'll regret being cheap later if you get something else. – Chris S – 2012-05-16T13:13:49.363



Well, it all depends on what your ISP supports. If your ISP is on DOCSIS 2, you will have no benefit in buying a DOCSIS 3 modem. The most DOCSIS 3 modems however are backwards compatible and will make you future proof.

Most ISPs will give your connection a certain profile (a speed limit if you will). So, that's something else to keep in mind.


  • DOCSIS 3: Future proof, might be overkill
  • DOCSIS 2: Cheaper, won't last 10 years.

Bart De Vos

Posted 2012-05-16T13:10:45.317

Reputation: 988

I've called them and they do support both v2 and v3. – Webnet – 2012-05-16T13:29:53.267

@Webnet You should certainly go for DOCSIS 3.0 if your ISP supports it. – paradd0x – 2012-05-16T13:40:18.740

Thanks for the feedback - I decided on Motorola SB6121 SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 – Webnet – 2012-05-16T14:55:01.800

1@Webnet - You need to ask if the service YOU are getting suports both. I know in the case of my ISP only the highest teir supports DOCSIS 3.0 so if you were on the budget plan you would gain very little out of a DOCSIS 3.0 modem. – Ramhound – 2012-05-16T15:02:56.553