Monitor traffic through a home router



We have an Internet connection which is shared on five computers via a home router.

One of the computers is using torrents all the time. I want to find out which, and they won't tell me.

How can I check which client is using the most traffic?

Hello World

Posted 2012-05-04T08:16:06.073

Reputation: 151

Good answer that works independently of the router model, but unfortunately only for Ethernet traffic (not wifi traffic going directly to the router):

– tanius – 2018-03-31T16:30:09.457

Which operating system? Do you know that it is specifically torrents? How are they connected (if via cable, you could just look at which corresponding connection LED flashes the most)? Which router model? – Daniel Andersson – 2012-05-04T11:09:31.073

All operating systems are Windows 7. Some of them are downloading torrents most of the time. They are all connected via WiFi. Router is SpeedTouch THOMSON ST780. – Hello World – 2012-05-04T16:22:10.587



Andrew Heath

Posted 2012-05-04T08:16:06.073

Reputation: 287

What do they say about link-only answers? – Nobody – 2018-01-24T20:28:35.837


WallWatcher collects, displays, and analyzes log information from more than 135 Routers and firewalls.

Take a look at Cacti as well.

Eugene S

Posted 2012-05-04T08:16:06.073

Reputation: 2 088

Wallwatcher also has generic IPTables and Syslog settings. If your router runs on Linux, you should be able to make it work. – boot13 – 2015-10-17T03:54:32.977 says: Wallwatcher is no longer available. (since 2011) – tanius – 2018-03-31T11:37:50.343

WallWatcher does not support my router. Cacti requires MySQL, PHP, RRDTool, net-snmp, and a webserver that supports PHP such as Apache or IIS. So both are not good for me. – Hello World – 2012-05-04T10:49:38.503