How to find out what application slows down the system (on Windows)?


Sometimes (~once-twice a day) I experience slowdowns (up to freezing for 5-10 seconds) and I don't know their cause. I tried looking into Process Explorer, but it shows only current rates and history columns are of no help either.

So, what is the right way to find the answer to the question "what have just slowed down the system"?


Posted 2012-03-14T16:00:57.367

Reputation: 173

What version of Windows are you running? – Rebecca Dessonville – 2012-03-14T16:12:01.673

This may have already been answered:

– Rebecca Dessonville – 2012-03-14T16:17:26.800

Remember, you can hover over the history graphs to see what application used the most of that resource at the given time. – Der Hochstapler – 2012-03-14T16:28:57.333

@Dez, Windows 7 – Fixpoint – 2012-03-14T21:29:45.290

@OliverSalzburg, doesn't help - the graphs are showing that the load was minimal. – Fixpoint – 2012-03-14T21:30:21.700

@Fixpoint Please see if this question might relate to you issue.

– Der Hochstapler – 2012-03-15T12:19:40.987



You can download Process Explorer. This should help in showing which program is using up your system resources.

Or try Process Monitor, which lists all the processes that are running. You should be able to determine what program is slowing down your system with both of these tools.


Posted 2012-03-14T16:00:57.367

Reputation: 722

I'm already using Process Explorer. – Fixpoint – 2012-03-14T21:31:00.610


If Process Explorer isn't enough, you might want to look into xperf.

Sadly, I don't have the time right now to go into usage details, but maybe this video and this guide will get you started in the meantime.

Der Hochstapler

Posted 2012-03-14T16:00:57.367

Reputation: 77 228