Windows Registry for New Menu with Batch Files


How can I add an item to the 'new' context menu?

This shows how to add items to the "New" dropdown menu. How about taking them away?

Also, I want to make a batch file that automates this. Like this:

@echo off
echo Enter you file extension
set /p ext=
copy con ext.reg
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >> ext.reg
echo. >> ext.reg
echo [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.%ext%\ShellNew] >> ext.reg
echo "NullFile"="" >> ext.reg
start /wait ext.reg
del ext.reg
echo Complete
  1. Anything wrong with this, in general?
  2. Can you write to other types of non-text files like registry files with batch files?
  3. Please tell me the registry code for removing an item, so that I can add that.
  4. Most importantly, can a registry file interact with the user, like take in input and make a variable so I don't need a batch file at all?


Posted 2012-02-29T14:43:03.693

Reputation: 11



  1. I can't judge that, sorry.
  2. I don't know of a good way to write binary (non-text) files from a batch script.
  3. You can remove a registry key by using a .reg file as well. Simply by placing a hyphen before the key.

    To delete a registry key with a .reg file, put a hyphen (-) in front of the RegistryPath in the .reg file. For example, to delete the Test subkey from the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software
    put a hyphen in front of the following registry key in the .reg file: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Test
    The following example has a .reg file that can perform this task.

  4. A registry file is only used to manipulate the registry hive. No user interaction (other than a confirmation prompt) is supported in the process to my knowledge.

Der Hochstapler

Posted 2012-02-29T14:43:03.693

Reputation: 77 228

how about the batch file? its the same idea, adding the delete – Jam35B0nd. – 2012-03-01T13:54:51.597


  1. Absolutely not, just be sure to back up the registry before you go hog wild.
  2. Not very easily. You'd be much better off simply writing a .reg file, which can handle just about everything you need.
  3. In a .reg file, simply add a '-' (minus) after the opening bracket of the item to be removed. See example below.
  4. Nope. Perhaps write a script (or batch file) to automate the generation of a .reg file, which can then be invoked.

Here are the contents of the registry file that I use to eliminate many of the common new template items in Windows 7. Feel free to use it as a basis for your own. REMEMBER TO BACK UP THE REGISTRY FIRST.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;Remove everything from the "New" menu other than folder and .txt

; MFC Trace file


; Bitmap

; Contact

; Skype Contact

; Link

; Microsoft Word Documents

; Microsoft Excel Documents

; Microsoft Powerpoint Documents

; Microsoft Outlook entries

; Microsoft Visio Drawing

; Microsoft Project Document

; Microsoft OneNote

; Microsoft Graph

; Microsoft Office Theme

; Microsoft Office List Shortcut

; Microsoft Journal Entry

; Microsoft Publisher



; UMP Profile

; UMS Shortcut

; Zip


Posted 2012-02-29T14:43:03.693

Reputation: 1 723

I get the whole reg part, thanks. I just want to make it easier and interactive (for my family or something) with the batch file. How come I can't write to a reg file? I know it's binary, but isn't everything? – Jam35B0nd. – 2012-03-02T12:18:30.843

You can write a reg file. You just can't write an interactive reg file. They don't support any kind of user input. – Fopedush – 2012-03-05T21:08:32.910

so that batch file writing to the reg file part is good? – Jam35B0nd. – 2012-03-14T05:09:27.187

Yes. ``````````` – Fopedush – 2012-03-14T14:50:30.017


Just remove this line to get it working:

copy con ext.reg


Posted 2012-02-29T14:43:03.693

Reputation: 1

1Can you add some explanation as to why this would fix the problem. – ChrisF – 2013-03-09T17:34:47.937


actually you can programmatically write/read/interact with the registry...

[usage, @ cmd] reg /?

to delete (via reg /? |clip :)

REG DELETE KeyName [/v ValueName | /ve | /va] [/f]

KeyName [\Machine]FullKey Machine Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine. Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines. FullKey ROOTKEY\SubKey ROOTKEY [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ] SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY.

ValueName The value name, under the selected Key, to delete. When omitted, all subkeys and values under the Key are deleted.

/ve delete the value of empty value name (Default).

/va delete all values under this key.

/f Forces the deletion without prompt.


REG DELETE HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp\Timeout Deletes the registry key Timeout and its all subkeys and values

REG DELETE \ZODIAC\HKLM\Software\MyCo /v MTU Deletes the registry value MTU under MyCo on ZODIAC


Posted 2012-02-29T14:43:03.693

Reputation: 49