Slow network between host (Windows 7) and guest (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS)


I'm using VirtualBox on my Windows 7 (64-bit) laptop, in order to manage 3 Ubuntu 10.04 VMs for web development. One is 32-bit, the two others are 64-bit.

For the past two days, when I try to reach my guest-hosted website from the host OS, I'm experiencing slow network speeds. When I look at my Firebug > Network tab I see that the main files require between and 5 and 10 sec to load. I got this message after logging in:

system information disabled due to load higher than 1.0.

I see this message more as a symptom rather than my real problem.

The network problem has reached all three Ubuntu guest OSs.

Here's my config:


  • Config:
    • Windows 7
    • 8GB RAM
    • SSD harddrive (6 months)
    • VirtualBox 4.0.10
      • Host-only adapters configured in virtualbox > file > preferences > network :
        • ip:
        • netmask:
        • DHCP active:
          • Server address:
          • Server Mask:
          • Lower address bound:
          • Upper address bound:
  • Network :
    • My wired connection is configured with the virtualbox bridged networking driver active in my card advanced properties
    • IP:
    • Gateway:
    • DNS from Free (French ISP) :
      • IP:
      • IP:

My windows hosts config file contains redirections to the bridged card like this:

192.168.0.XXX (vm ip)       vmName

When I reach my guest hosted website from the host and I look at my Firebug > Network tab, I see that the guest takes between 0 and 10 s to respond.

GUEST (1 @ 32-bit and 2 @ 64-bit, so I don't think number of bits matters)

  • 1 processor
  • 512 ram
  • acceleration:
    • vt-x/amd-v = ok
    • nested paging = ok
    • pae/nx = ok
  • Network :
    • adapter 1 = bridged network (intel pro/1000 mt desktop)
      • IP: (vm ip staticaly fixed in /etc/network/interfaces (see below)
    • adapter 1 = bridged network (intel pro/1000 mt desktop)
      • IP: (vm ip fixed via dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces (see below)
    • File /etc/network/interfaces
      • # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
        # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
        # The loopback network interface
        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
        # The primary network interface
        auto eth0
        iface eth0 inet static
        auto eth1
        iface eth1 inet dhcp
    • File /etc/hosts:
      • vmName
  • Software installed:
    • apache2
    • php5
    • samba
    • openssh
    • compass (on ruby, css framework development)
    • svn

Everything was doing fine during 5 months with those configs/software before the bug begun.

Facing this, I've tried to:

  • raise the amount of RAM and the number of processors
  • re-install a fresher version of virtualbox and an older one
  • create a new VM with the same .vdi
  • change the adapter type from Intel pro/1000 desktop to anothers
  • tried different network interfaces config file alternatives (no dhcp / dhcp)
  • tried to nslookup my ISP provider's DNS automaticaly filled in the /etc/resolv.conf file (and it's OK)

...but with no effects.

One more symptom is that during my debug process, I've rebooted my VMs a lot, and I got a disk issue message durinng boot: "your disk haven't been checked for last 24 boots, check forced" or something like that, then it tells me a short message that I can't read, and only then I got the login field.

I'm really new to all Linux things (and not english fluent...). I can't see if it's a network issue or a disk issue, please let me know which commands might help me to dig into this?


Posted 2012-02-26T21:40:16.513

Reputation: 31



I've found out my problem: My laptop battery management plan.

Since I've had to work on a train last week end, I've tried some network configurations to be able to access my VM without network (no host-only at this moment) and this is why I was looking in that direction.

In the end, it was just because I've turned on the "economic mode" on my laptop battery.


Posted 2012-02-26T21:40:16.513

Reputation: 31