Some CSS not working correctly when using an alias to enter website


I have built an intranet for my company, but when I access the site using an alias (DrewNett) so of the styling in IE is incorrect. It's only in IE, and the source is exactly the same and when I go do the site using the FQD.

Is there any kind of issues with IE (silly question, I konw!) that may be causing this?

Also, does anybody have so ideas for trouble shooting, as I'm kind of stumped.

It's IE8 that is being used.

Answer - This was happening because IE8 was automatically displaying the site in Compatibility View because it was picking it up as an Intranet site. To stop this, in IE, go 'Tools -> Compatibility Veiw Settings', and then uncheck 'Display intranet site in Compatibility View'.


David Gard

Posted 2012-02-23T10:07:19.780

Reputation: 1 368

Maybe the CSS references an image file by full URL (maybe spacer.gif) and IE treats it like XSS or something equally weird. – Der Hochstapler – 2012-02-23T10:30:24.610

@OliverSalzburg - No images in affected areas. The site is Wordpress, so all URL's point to the correct place any way because I always use there functions for making links, etc. It's really odd as very little is affected, so clearly the CSS is being accessed. – David Gard – 2012-02-23T10:55:22.687

Given this issue is primarily a visual one, some screenshots might help. Hard to make any assumptions. – Der Hochstapler – 2012-02-23T11:09:21.270

1Ok, so it's because the site is being forced in to 'compatibility mode', but without the option to turn it off. Screenshots - will sort some and post a link shortly. – David Gard – 2012-02-23T11:31:28.460

1...And I've sorted it - In IE, go 'Tools -> Compatibility Veiw Settings', and then uncheck 'Display intranet site in Compatibility View'. – David Gard – 2012-02-23T11:44:31.267

Great :) Would be nice if you could post this as an answer and mark it as accepted when you can. – Der Hochstapler – 2012-02-23T11:50:35.540

I'm unable to self-answer yet due to my reputaion (I'm a newbie), so will do when I can. – David Gard – 2012-02-23T11:52:39.430



This was happening because IE8 was automatically displaying the site in Compatibility View because it was picking it up as an Intranet site. To stop this, in IE, go 'Tools -> Compatibility Veiw Settings', and then uncheck 'Display intranet site in Compatibility View'.

David Gard

Posted 2012-02-23T10:07:19.780

Reputation: 1 368