Tag: alias

126 Bash: Spaces in alias name 2010-02-05T22:35:30.723

86 how to expand aliases inline in bash? 2011-02-19T09:43:48.277

38 How can I pass an alias to sudo? 2017-06-19T21:33:04.413

24 How to alias a hostname on Mac OSX 2010-06-14T02:06:12.093

20 How to remove zsh alias? 2014-07-23T14:47:46.030

19 Bash is slow to start because of this line in .bashrc. What could cause this? 2017-05-14T21:57:47.447

18 Command aliases in Command Prompt? 2010-06-08T17:55:14.047

17 IP address alias assigned by DHCP 2010-08-13T13:06:56.893

15 Aliases in subshell / child process 2011-08-05T15:54:06.653

15 Add a static IP alias to a DHCP interface on Windows 8 (and above) 2013-11-22T01:59:02.443

15 Create permanent DOSKEY in Windows cmd 2016-10-13T07:43:02.323

14 overriding user defined functions with the same name as system commands 2012-09-13T17:10:15.697

12 why alias names defined in .bashrc file are not working? 2012-06-27T04:21:20.093

12 Can I "export" an alias to the SHELL that invoked a script? 2012-07-11T08:19:30.760

11 Vim Ignores Aliases 2009-09-28T08:13:12.667

11 Is there a way to alias a multi-worded command in Unix? 2011-02-10T21:17:06.410

11 .bashrc loading aliases from different file 2011-09-04T13:02:05.020

10 Git log alias - fatal: ambiguous argument '%ad': unknown revision or path 2011-04-21T05:34:30.983

10 How can I create an alias for apt-get? 2012-08-22T10:31:59.610

9 Workaround for adding forward addresses to Gmail as aliases 2014-09-28T05:23:13.520

9 Alias does not "override" PATH entries? 2017-08-29T19:10:10.617

8 Console 2 command aliases 2011-05-26T14:11:38.687

8 Bash alias with piping 2012-03-31T22:02:58.267

7 Why are Mac OS X alias files so large? 2010-11-14T07:06:06.160

7 Creating an alias containing bash history expansion 2011-02-01T00:41:32.167

7 Silencing bash's unalias when there's nothing to unalias 2011-04-29T20:26:03.310

7 How do I create a symbolic link in Mac OSX? 2011-10-13T16:49:10.827

7 git alias for merging current branch with master 2012-06-12T12:13:47.117

7 I deleted my aliases file, but my aliases are still in my bash session - how can I recover them? 2013-03-01T18:14:25.807

7 Does Apache Alias support relative paths? 2014-08-15T08:30:45.517

7 bash / zsh alias: Can I grab the arguments and use within subshell? 2018-06-03T18:13:58.583

6 How do I set an alias name in the hosts file? 2009-09-15T14:00:57.817

6 Under Ubuntu, how can I place a shell alias command that will be global to everyone? 2010-02-06T01:54:07.163

6 OS X: alias vs. symlink 2010-08-09T08:17:53.597

6 How to tell bash not to expand aliases 2010-10-16T10:27:27.000

6 Linux: aliases when using `screen` 2010-12-03T15:19:43.023

6 Is there a convenient method to pull files from a server in an SSH session? 2011-02-12T19:49:50.970

6 ssh: add "-X" to default options 2012-03-15T13:36:38.207

6 Is there a aliases file for sSMTP? 2012-05-27T08:00:32.483

6 How to create alias for - minus sign 2012-12-06T10:08:12.733

6 Aliases with numerical names 2013-02-23T20:46:19.820

6 How does one define aliases for use within MobaXTerm *local* bash shell? 2015-12-28T17:16:06.420

6 Docker exec doesn't load aliases 2016-07-11T09:11:25.357

5 What does "network" mean in the /etc/network/interfaces file? 2010-01-24T13:43:04.457

5 How to create shortcut command in Mac 2010-04-09T04:33:22.257

5 How to alias a hostname? 2010-05-28T09:02:25.077

5 How do I close an OS X application from the command line using a alias defined in my .bash_profile? 2010-12-15T20:50:17.773

5 How to make bash alias invocation conditional on PWD? 2011-12-16T16:29:21.933

5 What's the correct terminology for + email alias? 2015-07-14T19:43:04.717

5 How to create an alias for multiple commands in ConEmu? 2015-10-13T17:56:30.117

5 Space in doskey/alias for windows? 2018-09-03T07:46:25.947

5 Set PowerShell Aliases with a script 2019-12-10T21:19:56.680

4 error when using commandline as a bash alias on linux 2009-09-26T23:15:45.790

4 Can I change the "From" name and address without going into Mail.app's preferences? 2010-03-21T14:18:05.273

4 Stop sending mail to myself when choosing Reply All in Outlook 2010-06-22T03:46:26.887

4 How to undo alias, PATH=$PATH:./Test - (Unix) 2010-10-14T19:42:46.263

4 How to pipe output of certain commands to a pager with zsh? 2011-02-04T20:36:18.247

4 Create an alias to a samba share from the command line 2011-07-01T08:07:19.610

4 Define custom aliases for outlook contacts 2011-11-10T21:33:25.017

4 In MacOS X is there a way to create a shortcut to a folder on a readonly drive? 2012-03-28T13:46:09.977

4 Do aliases slow down a shell's start? 2013-01-29T21:04:03.197

4 Where are aliases set in CentOS? 2013-05-03T21:11:18.827

4 bypass 'noglob' for 'which' in zsh? 2014-05-20T23:38:14.010

4 How do I handle multiple quotes in an alias (for bash or zsh) 2014-06-19T20:48:50.433

4 How do I force an application to recognise two names for a disk drive? 2015-04-20T21:44:07.577

4 How to save user made zsh shell functions and aliases 2015-04-21T07:04:45.060

4 Find the location of an alias definition 2016-06-06T20:09:30.873

4 Create aliases dynamically 2017-10-06T21:02:27.877

3 In Ubuntu, routes are not added as defined in rc.local file....why? 2010-01-24T15:08:36.900

3 Syncing aliases via Dropbox and having them work on both Macs 2010-10-04T10:16:47.383

3 Sending email from domain name address 2010-11-08T13:14:42.973

3 How can I set up an alias or shortcut to do the *nix find command? 2011-04-05T18:17:17.740

3 bash alias for "cd directory; ls" 2011-05-19T18:44:07.680

3 Is there a way to tell the shell (zsh preferably) about a command? 2011-11-02T13:34:33.963

3 Aren't egrep, fgrep supposed to be aliases to grep? 2011-11-18T23:39:42.150

3 get value of an alias in bash 2012-01-01T09:03:33.320

3 Bash alias history substitution similar to \!* in csh 2012-02-22T22:10:56.083

3 Command to search programs in Linux 2012-03-12T19:01:16.513

3 How can aliases of a folder be found using cmd? 2012-07-26T15:33:25.767

3 How to create an alias in Apache 2 that points to a network share? 2012-10-05T18:26:34.270

3 how to put my arguments into a Bash alias command? 2012-11-02T17:48:35.633

3 OS X: is there an application that can check for broken aliases in Finder? 2013-01-05T07:39:32.273

3 How do I make a bash alias that outputs file names in a format I can pipe to vim? 2013-01-06T05:19:22.863

3 How to make an alias to a part of a block device 2013-03-26T18:14:01.753

3 Cannot type a letter while in Bash in Cygwin 2013-07-01T08:53:45.500

3 Localhost aliases in Mac OS X mysteriously stopped working 2015-01-17T21:44:10.030

3 Make :Wq equivalent to :wq in vim 2015-02-24T17:22:23.567

3 How can I make "and" be a working alias for && in Bash? 2017-04-19T19:38:29.100

3 Dynamically creating aliases in PowerShell 2018-06-08T23:54:42.757

3 Alias for sudo then ssh 2018-06-11T16:25:37.123

2 On Solaris, can I alias one command to multiple possible locations? 2009-11-09T13:51:59.487

2 Ubuntu - Create a link to a specified directory so I can easily change to that directory 2010-03-16T02:47:57.460

2 In Powershell on Windows7, how do I automatically set aliases (or run scripts) when powershell loads? 2010-04-22T07:21:57.170

2 Quick Mac OS X shut-down icon 2010-05-19T02:41:35.033

2 My alias isn't working anymore, not sure what happened 2010-07-02T04:10:36.053

2 Can I use the first page of a PDF document as its alias icon in OS X? 2010-07-20T21:29:14.887

2 Is this alias any useful? 2010-08-02T19:02:38.127

2 How does \cp work? 2010-08-24T04:24:25.027

2 What is the return value of a complex alias in bash? 2010-09-23T18:28:02.957