How to stop the 'live' mic sound playing through the speakers?



I have an old Toshiba Laptop (Satellite 1900-03) running Windows XP. I recently bought a little microphone to plug into the mic port but discovered that the sound is being fed live through the speakers causing feedback.

My question is how do I stop the 'live' microphone sound being piped instantly through the speakers without normal sound still being played?


Posted 2009-09-10T19:12:04.193

Reputation: 2 313



I assume you mean that the microphone sound is being played back through the speakers constantly.

Try the following:

Go to the Control Panel, and click on Sounds and Audio Devices.
Under Device volume, click on Advanced.
Under Microphone, check the Mute button.

If the "Microphone" section is missing, go to Options -> Properties, and under the Playback section, enable it.


Posted 2009-09-10T19:12:04.193

Reputation: 1 222

I don't want to mute the mic. The reason I added it is to sometimes record sound for various reasons. I want it available at a moments notice so would rather not mute it until needed - easier to just plug it in when needed but still doesn't solve the problem. – andygrunt – 2009-09-10T22:44:08.490

You're not muting it, recording will work. You're just muting it from looping back through your speakers. – cp2141 – 2009-09-11T01:51:59.140

Yes, you're right - that's fixed it. No feedback yet I can still record and the speakers still work. Thanks! – andygrunt – 2009-09-11T08:37:07.270


If you have Windows XP:

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Select Sounds and Audio Devices ⇨ Audio Tab
  3. Go to Volume on Sound Recording
  4. Select Advance under Microphone and check the Do not monitor check-box.

This way, you should be able to keep using the microphone without feedback from any speakers.


Posted 2009-09-10T19:12:04.193

Reputation: 1

1I do have Windows XP but don't have the '1 Do Not Monitor' option. Perhaps it requires the laptop to have an internal Mic and I don't have one? – andygrunt – 2010-10-24T17:15:45.440


Read "How to Eliminate Feedback".
The best suggestion seems to distance your mic from the speakers ...


Posted 2009-09-10T19:12:04.193

Reputation: 306 093

Can't do that I'm afraid as the mic is a stubby little job and the 'mic in' port is very close to the LHS speaker. – andygrunt – 2009-09-10T22:41:57.373