Keystroke to reload a page without cache in Chrome for OS X



According to the Chrome Docs, the Ctrl/Shift+F5 keystroke is only supported on Windows.

Is there any keystroke I can do to fully reload a page without the cache on Chrome for Mac?


Posted 2012-02-17T16:25:42.407

Reputation: 685



Just to be sure I always check 'disable cache' in the developer tools settings(icons bottom right when developer tools is open). That forces to reload the cache all the time when your console is open. When it is closed it uses the cache again.

I find cmd+shift+r not reliable.

Michael Koper

Posted 2012-02-17T16:25:42.407

Reputation: 571

It's been 5 years but it seems cmd + shift + R is still not working on Chrome 58. This article shows how to find the disable cache setting.

– Gruber – 2017-05-18T11:05:33.817

1To clarify: on Chrome 66.0 and macOS, to disable browser cache (while DevTools are open), open your dev tools, focus/click on them -> press F1 (or just manually go to 'Settings' of devtools) -> Network section -> Disable cache (while DevTools are open) – Denialos – 2018-04-23T10:06:05.420

Michael thank you so much. I know, at these QA sites one should not say thank you. but this thing bugged me for weeks and its late here and i was annoyed and... thank you. – Christian – 2014-02-01T21:13:40.870


User reports in Chrome 17 the bug is resolved bug report here in Linux, and the other post of the same request reports that cmd+shift+r forces a reload. I wasn't however able to find a 'from chrome support' response, or a definitive supported example of this in action.

Hope this helps


Posted 2012-02-17T16:25:42.407

Reputation: 611

I haven't actually found a reliable way to test whether cache is skipped when reloading – have you? – slhck – 2012-02-17T16:59:03.037

4@slhck This answer is correct. Cmd-Shift-R or View » Force Reload This Page don't use the cache. Check in View » Developer » Developer Tools: No 304 Not Modified when force reloading. – Daniel Beck – 2012-02-17T17:25:44.533

2Just to point out, you don't see the Force Reload unless you hold down Shift while hovering over the menu. – jidar – 2012-02-17T17:34:32.343

The feature's currently broken for me in the developer version (19), so I thought I'd mention this here. – slhck – 2012-02-17T17:43:23.433

For the record this still does not ignore the cache as of Chrome 22, so I'm not sure "force reload" actually means "reload without cache". – devios1 – 2012-10-04T22:37:27.873

I just checked: Cmd-Shift-R works in the current stable Chrome (version 26) -- no 304 responses. – Jo Liss – 2013-05-13T03:07:25.647