I want to add more than 20 digits in an Excel cell.
The current format of the cell is general, it converts the number to an exponential format. I tried with a number format and accounting, but when I enter more than 15 digits it gets converted to 0's.
What are the recommended steps for stopping Excel from converting data to exponential Format for 20 digits when in the general format?
Example: 12345678901234567890
Excel converts it to 1.23457E+19
in general format.
Without using '
before the value, is there any other way to keep value same?
Please tell us the reason why you need to do this. It sounds like an XY problem
– Jan Doggen – 2014-10-27T11:24:59.333There is no other way in the current version of excel. – Firee – 2016-02-22T12:06:16.573
It's still the same issue in Excel 2016 !! – Pirate X – 2019-02-21T11:09:03.710
I used to work on financial app. I had to store a product of 8 digits x 8 digits temporarily while calculating. 8 digit is not that uncommon, right? – Kenji Noguchi – 2013-05-29T11:54:09.863