How can I curl the output of another command



I want to pass curl the output from awk

./ | grep 'resource' | awk '{print $4}' | curl OUTPUT_FROM_AWK | grep myString

How can I achieve this?!


Posted 2011-12-02T16:59:25.627

Reputation: 196



Use xargs.

xargs utility [argument ...]

The xargs utility reads space, tab, newline and end-of-file delimited strings from the standard input and executes utility with the strings as arguments.

There are more parameters and options than in this shortened form, of course.

A general example using curl:

$ echo "" | xargs curl
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>302 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
<A HREF="">here</A>.

In your specific case, it'd look similar to the following:

./ | grep 'resource' | awk '{print $4}' | xargs curl | grep myString

Daniel Beck

Posted 2011-12-02T16:59:25.627

Reputation: 98 421

Great! However in my case this doesn't work. If piping to "xargs echo" it also doesn't work. I guess output of jspider is too fast or sth.. – meshfields – 2011-12-02T17:13:25.883

In that case, consider adding to your question or creating a new question dealing with your specific problem. I don't have this specific issue, e.g. curl -s "" | grep -E 'href="http://.*stackexchange\.com' | sed 's|^.*<a href="http://\([^"]*\)">.*$|http://\1|g' | grep -v "<" | xargs curl -s | grep "<title>" works fine for me. (Yeah I know the code's extremely hacky). – Daniel Beck – 2011-12-02T18:10:26.003

Oh my.. I have to de-cypher that sed part in order to understand what you are doing, still it isn't working with jspider. I will start using perl now. – meshfields – 2011-12-05T09:39:10.677

@StephanKristyn I extract URLs from hyperlinks, and since it doesn't work well enough, using grep -v I then remove all remaining lines with HTML tag brackets. Just a simple example that shows the approach works in general. – Daniel Beck – 2011-12-05T09:51:31.317


Try this, it's untested but should work.

for a in $(./ | grep 'resource' | awk '{print $4}'); do curl $a | grep myString; done


Posted 2011-12-02T16:59:25.627

Reputation: 31 337