X11.app (on SnowLeopard) won't start


Today I discovered that X11.app no longer works on my Mac. I'm not sure when this happened. I think it's been several weeks since I last used an X11 application.

By "no longer works" I mean it does absolutely nothing. If I try to run X11.app directly, nothing appears in the dock and there is no error message -- it's as if I didn't run it at all.

If I try to run an X application from the Terminal (eg: xterm) it just hangs forever. I assume it's waiting for X11 to start up.

I tried reinstalling X11 from the Snow Leopard install DVD, and that doesn't seem to have had any effect.


I have MacPorts installed and it looks like xorg-server may have been installed. I tried uninstalling it...

port -u uninstall xorg xorg-server

...and reinstalling it...

port install xorg xorg-server

...but either way things don't work.

Here's what /var/log/system.log shows when the MacPorts xorg is installed.

Dec  1 14:28:26 Stripy org.macports.X11.stub[51551]: Xquartz: bootstrap_look_up(): Unknown service name
Dec  1 14:28:27 Stripy org.macports.startx[51470]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
Dec  1 14:28:27 Stripy org.macports.startx[51470]: xinit: giving up
Dec  1 14:28:27 Stripy org.macports.startx[51470]: xinit: unable to connect to X server: Operation timed out
Dec  1 14:28:27 Stripy org.macports.startx[51470]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections xinit: server error
Dec  1 14:28:27 Stripy org.macports.startx[51470]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
Dec  1 14:28:27 Stripy defaults[51670]: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.macports.X11, dpi) does not exist
Dec  1 14:28:27 Stripy org.macports.startx[51638]: xauth:  file /Users/laurence/.serverauth.51639 does not exist
Dec  1 14:28:28 Stripy org.macports.startx[51638]: 
Dec  1 14:28:28 Stripy org.macports.X11.stub[51723]: Xquartz: Unable to locate waiting server: org.macports.X11
Dec  1 14:28:28 Stripy org.macports.X11.stub[51727]: Xquartz: Starting X server: /Applications/MacPorts/X11.app/Contents/MacOS/X11 --listenonly
Dec  1 14:28:30 Stripy org.macports.startx[51638]: ^M
Dec  1 14:28:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[51638]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
Dec  1 14:28:48: --- last message repeated 8 times ---

This repeats over and over, (modulo time stamps and pids).

Here's what t looks like when the MacPorts xorg is not installed.

Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy defaults[64771]: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.macports.X11, dpi) does not exist
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]: xauth:  file /Users/laurence/.serverauth.64738 does not exist
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:·
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]: xinit: unable to run server "/opt/local/bin/X": No such file or directory
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]: Use the -- option, or make sure that /opt/local/bin is in your path and
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]: that "/opt/local/bin/X" is a program or a link to the right type of server
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]: for your display.  Possible server names include:
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:·
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:     Xquartz     Mac OSX Quartz displays.
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:     Xvfb        Virtual frame buffer
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:     Xfake       kdrive-based virtual frame buffer
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:     Xnest       X server nested in a window on another X server
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:     Xephyr      kdrive-based nested X server
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:     Xvnc        X server accessed over VNC's RFB protocol
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:     Xdmx        Distributed Multi-head X server
Dec  1 14:55:32 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:·
Dec  1 14:55:34 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]:  xinit: giving up
Dec  1 14:55:34 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]: xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
Dec  1 14:55:34 Stripy org.macports.startx[64737]: xinit: server error
Dec  1 14:55:34: --- last message repeated 1 time ---

Again, this repeats over and over.

I also tried uninstalling the macports xorg and then installing XQuartz (and again, rebooted to be sure). Running Applications/Utilities/XQuartz doesn't work, nor does trying to run xterm from Terminal, Here's the output of /var/log/system.log with that setup:

Dec  1 16:13:01 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[343]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
Dec  1 16:13:01 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[400]: Xquartz: bootstrap_look_up(): Unknown service name
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[343]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[343]: /opt/X11/bin/xinit: giving up
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[343]: /opt/X11/bin/xinit: unable to connect to X server: Operation timed out
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[343]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections /opt/X11/bin/xinit: server error
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[343]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy defaults[544]: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.macosforge.xquartz.X11, dpi) does not exist
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[510]: xauth:  file /Users/laurence/.serverauth.511 does not exist
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[510]: 
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[588]: Xquartz: Unable to locate waiting server: org.macosforge.xquartz.X11
Dec  1 16:13:02 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[589]: Xquartz: Starting X server: /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app/Contents/MacOS/X11 --listenonly
Dec  1 16:13:03 Stripy login[619]: USER_PROCESS: 619 ttys000
Dec  1 16:13:04 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[510]: ^M
Dec  1 16:13:06 Stripy org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[510]: waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
Dec  1 16:13:22: --- last message repeated 8 times ---

(Once again, repeating.)

I've tried searching for some of these messages, and found a couple of hits but no concrete solutions.

Laurence Gonsalves

Posted 2011-12-01T07:28:36.273

Reputation: 5 021

Have you tried XQuartz?

– ephemient – 2011-12-01T07:55:24.630

No. I'm open t trying it out, though I'd like to know why the stock X11 is failing. – Laurence Gonsalves – 2011-12-01T17:25:50.717

@ephemient I have now tried XQuartz, and also MacPorts' xorg-server, and none of these configurations work. Please see the update to the question. – Laurence Gonsalves – 2011-12-02T00:40:58.940



X11 on OS X requires a pair of launchd plist files to be active; this pair must match, and also must be configured correctly at login time. Each of the X11 servers provides its own pair:

  • for Apple's X11, /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.x.privileged_startx.plist and /System/Library/LaunchAgents/org.x.startx.plist;
  • for MacOSForge XQuartz, /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist and /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist;
  • for MacPorts XQuartz, /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.privileged_startx.plist and /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.startx.plist.

It's quite common for these to get mixed up when multiple X11 installations are present. Best bet is to disable all of the startx LaunchAgents with launchctl unload -w, then enable only the one you want to use with launchctl load -w (the -w tells launchctl to remember the action for subsequent boots/logins). Do not unload the LaunchDaemons. It is necessary to log out and back in after this in order for the DISPLAY environment variable to be set correctly.


Posted 2011-12-01T07:28:36.273

Reputation: 10 195

You should NOT disable any of the privileged_startx jobs. You need to have all of them loaded, but you probably want only one of the startx jobs loaded. – Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia – 2014-11-26T00:06:16.140

I should mention we're currently hashing this out on FreeNode IRC; the above is apparently not the complete answer. – geekosaur – 2011-12-02T02:00:26.487

1I've finally managed to fix this. It turns out that my .bashrc was doing something screwy. I still don't know why this would cause X11 to break in the way it did. – Laurence Gonsalves – 2011-12-02T19:21:21.020

If it is .bashrc then it is possible that you break your $PATH variable. – yumyai – 2011-12-26T01:03:56.107


My problem was similar. My .profile was 'source'ing my .bashrc and my .bashrc had an ancient test for interactivity:

# If not running interactively, don't do anything [ -z "$PS1" ] && exit

Changing the "exit" to a "return" did the trick for me.

Greg Tarsa

Posted 2011-12-01T07:28:36.273

Reputation: 21

I literally only recently added something similiar to prevent some slow options I only wanted loaded under special conditions. Unfortunately it broke a lot more than I could have expected. Your note helped me a lot. – SkyLeach – 2018-04-08T21:24:56.900


My .profile had exec bash at the end (to ensure that the .bashrc is executed). This was the reason why X11.app was not able to start.

After changing this to . .bashrc X11.app starts fine again.


Posted 2011-12-01T07:28:36.273

Reputation: 11