How to monitor input and output HTTP requests on Linux?


When I invoke an URL I get in an infinite loop due to "301 Move Permanently" HTTP Response Code.

I'd like know the output and input requests that the machine is sending/receiving.

Is there any way to get this info?

The machine is a RHEL 5.5


Posted 2011-11-21T01:04:42.390

Reputation: 885

tcpdump or wireshark would work for that – freedenizen – 2011-11-21T01:10:20.253

1301 is moved permanently. 302 is found. Both are not errors but HTTP status codes that are used for redirects. – Dennis – 2011-11-21T03:56:17.107



I would suggest you to enable extended logs in the web service to log all input/output requests. Please check official mod_dumpio module documentation for Apache.


Posted 2011-11-21T01:04:42.390

Reputation: 266


I can think of following two things you can take help of.

  1. httpd logs setup in your apache config, commonly found in /etc/httpd/logs

  2. tcpdump

tcpdump -vvvnn port 80 and host ip_addr_of_client -i any

where ip_addr_of_client is host from which you are accessing the url.

Sachin Divekar

Posted 2011-11-21T01:04:42.390

Reputation: 776