Wake On Lan to power on computer?


Possible Duplicate:
How does wake on LAN work?

I was wondering if it was possible to turn on a computer via WOL and if so what network card can do it? I can wake my computer from sleep no problem with my current network card but what I would really use the WOL for (as I never have my computer sleep) is to turn on my computer for some reason if it powers off or is accidently shut down.



Posted 2011-11-17T18:14:13.030

Reputation: 1 471

Question was closed 2011-11-17T22:08:37.640



Your motherboard has to support it. Along with your NIC, if it isn't builtin. Simple as that.


You can either google your computer model, or restart your computer and go into the BIOS settings and look for a setting similar to "Allow wake by PCI devices", "Allow WOL", or "Power on by Alarm".


Posted 2011-11-17T18:14:13.030

Reputation: 21 453

The "support" usually comes in the form of "Allow wake by PCI devices" or similar BIOS setting. (This seems to apply to integrated NICs as well.) – user1686 – 2011-11-17T21:14:07.897

Ah yes, I should be more specific. – surfasb – 2011-11-17T21:39:24.833


To check for capability. The setting should be in your bios to enable or disable. Some more information about this setting in the OS, assuming windows 7:


also note if its a laptop, you need to make sure the network card does not get turned off:



Posted 2011-11-17T18:14:13.030

Reputation: 285