I am in the process of creating a few generic images and I have downloaded all the drivers for all the models of machines we use here. I can extract these drivers to any location but I am not sure where Windows looks when it is searching for drivers. Is there a driver store somewhere in Windows that it searches through?
These images will be created for: Windows XP, Windows 7 x86/x64
Are the locations different between Windows XP and Windows 7? Are they different if the OS is x64 based? I know Windows likes to differentiate 32/64bit software all over the place, not sure if they do the same with driver stores.
See: What is sysprep? How is it useful?
– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2011-11-14T15:24:33.743That's not automatically at all... – m0skit0 – 2011-11-14T17:34:20.667
@techie007 what does sysprep have to do with pulling in drivers? – PsychoData – 2013-09-09T21:49:23.227